@ -318,20 +318,22 @@ Optional parameters are height of the papilar lines and base thickness.
Using `m` mode modifies the preexisting finger model to contain fingerprint.
First optional parameter is papilar line height `height_line`, second is the number of iterations `iter` to make the finger mesh denser. Higher number of itertions results in denser finger mesh and better result.
The last three parameters are axis offsets for the finger, `finger_x`, `finger_y`, `finger_z`.
These control the location of the finger. They need to be set only if the user wants to move core of the print closer to the center of the finger.
The next three parameters are axis offsets for the finger, `finger_x`, `finger_y`, `finger_z`.
These control the location of the finger. They need to be set only if the user wants to move core of the print closer to the center of the finger model.
The last parameter `finger_model` allows the user to choose custom finger model.
* General command form for mapped stl generation
python3 src/main.py input_file output_file dpi --config config_file preset --stl m height_line iter finger_x finger_y finger_z
python3 src/main.py input_file output_file dpi --config config_file preset --stl m height_line iter finger_x finger_y finger_z finger_model