In 2019, our research team developed a novel device for the fast and touchless capture of fingerprints. This device was an important part of Michal Dvořák's Ph.D. thesis, which focused primarily on the study of biometric characteristics associated with the human hand. The video below illustrates one of the first experiments that preceded the long development of this device.

A functional specimen of the device was exhibited at Intersec in Dubai in 2020. The project was conducted in collaboration with Touchless Biometric Systems. The faculty research team was led by Professor Martin Drahanský. The main author of the project was Michal Dvořák, while Tomáš Goldmann, Martin Sakin, and Ondřej Kanich also contributed to its implementation.

The device is protected by patents in Germany, Korea, Europe and, as of July 2022, the United States. More details can be found at The main authors of the patent are from FIT BUT.