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2 years ago
# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license
2 years ago
2 years ago
import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from .kalman_filter import chi2inv95
2 years ago
import lap # for linear_assignment
2 years ago
2 years ago
assert lap.__version__ # verify package is not directory
except (ImportError, AssertionError, AttributeError):
2 years ago
from ultralytics.utils.checks import check_requirements
2 years ago
2 years ago
check_requirements('lapx>=0.5.2') # update to lap package from
2 years ago
import lap
2 years ago
def merge_matches(m1, m2, shape):
2 years ago
"""Merge two sets of matches and return matched and unmatched indices."""
2 years ago
O, P, Q = shape
m1 = np.asarray(m1)
m2 = np.asarray(m2)
M1 = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((np.ones(len(m1)), (m1[:, 0], m1[:, 1])), shape=(O, P))
M2 = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((np.ones(len(m2)), (m2[:, 0], m2[:, 1])), shape=(P, Q))
mask = M1 * M2
match = mask.nonzero()
match = list(zip(match[0], match[1]))
unmatched_O = tuple(set(range(O)) - {i for i, j in match})
unmatched_Q = tuple(set(range(Q)) - {j for i, j in match})
return match, unmatched_O, unmatched_Q
def _indices_to_matches(cost_matrix, indices, thresh):
2 years ago
"""_indices_to_matches: Return matched and unmatched indices given a cost matrix, indices, and a threshold."""
2 years ago
matched_cost = cost_matrix[tuple(zip(*indices))]
matched_mask = (matched_cost <= thresh)
matches = indices[matched_mask]
unmatched_a = tuple(set(range(cost_matrix.shape[0])) - set(matches[:, 0]))
unmatched_b = tuple(set(range(cost_matrix.shape[1])) - set(matches[:, 1]))
return matches, unmatched_a, unmatched_b
2 years ago
def linear_assignment(cost_matrix, thresh, use_lap=True):
2 years ago
"""Linear assignment implementations with scipy and lap.lapjv."""
2 years ago
if cost_matrix.size == 0:
return np.empty((0, 2), dtype=int), tuple(range(cost_matrix.shape[0])), tuple(range(cost_matrix.shape[1]))
2 years ago
2 years ago
if use_lap:
_, x, y = lap.lapjv(cost_matrix, extend_cost=True, cost_limit=thresh)
matches = [[ix, mx] for ix, mx in enumerate(x) if mx >= 0]
unmatched_a = np.where(x < 0)[0]
unmatched_b = np.where(y < 0)[0]
# Scipy linear sum assignment is NOT working correctly, DO NOT USE
y, x = scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment(cost_matrix) # row y, col x
matches = np.asarray([[i, x] for i, x in enumerate(x) if cost_matrix[i, x] <= thresh])
unmatched = np.ones(cost_matrix.shape)
for i, xi in matches:
unmatched[i, xi] = 0.0
unmatched_a = np.where(unmatched.all(1))[0]
unmatched_b = np.where(unmatched.all(0))[0]
2 years ago
2 years ago
return matches, unmatched_a, unmatched_b
def ious(atlbrs, btlbrs):
Compute cost based on IoU
:type atlbrs: list[tlbr] | np.ndarray
:type atlbrs: list[tlbr] | np.ndarray
:rtype ious np.ndarray
ious = np.zeros((len(atlbrs), len(btlbrs)), dtype=np.float32)
if ious.size == 0:
return ious
ious = bbox_ious(np.ascontiguousarray(atlbrs, dtype=np.float32), np.ascontiguousarray(btlbrs, dtype=np.float32))
return ious
def iou_distance(atracks, btracks):
Compute cost based on IoU
:type atracks: list[STrack]
:type btracks: list[STrack]
:rtype cost_matrix np.ndarray
if (len(atracks) > 0 and isinstance(atracks[0], np.ndarray)) \
or (len(btracks) > 0 and isinstance(btracks[0], np.ndarray)):
atlbrs = atracks
btlbrs = btracks
atlbrs = [track.tlbr for track in atracks]
btlbrs = [track.tlbr for track in btracks]
_ious = ious(atlbrs, btlbrs)
return 1 - _ious # cost matrix
def v_iou_distance(atracks, btracks):
Compute cost based on IoU
:type atracks: list[STrack]
:type btracks: list[STrack]
:rtype cost_matrix np.ndarray
if (len(atracks) > 0 and isinstance(atracks[0], np.ndarray)) \
or (len(btracks) > 0 and isinstance(btracks[0], np.ndarray)):
atlbrs = atracks
btlbrs = btracks
atlbrs = [track.tlwh_to_tlbr(track.pred_bbox) for track in atracks]
btlbrs = [track.tlwh_to_tlbr(track.pred_bbox) for track in btracks]
_ious = ious(atlbrs, btlbrs)
return 1 - _ious # cost matrix
def embedding_distance(tracks, detections, metric='cosine'):
:param tracks: list[STrack]
:param detections: list[BaseTrack]
:param metric:
:return: cost_matrix np.ndarray
cost_matrix = np.zeros((len(tracks), len(detections)), dtype=np.float32)
if cost_matrix.size == 0:
return cost_matrix
det_features = np.asarray([track.curr_feat for track in detections], dtype=np.float32)
# for i, track in enumerate(tracks):
# cost_matrix[i, :] = np.maximum(0.0, cdist(track.smooth_feat.reshape(1,-1), det_features, metric))
track_features = np.asarray([track.smooth_feat for track in tracks], dtype=np.float32)
2 years ago
cost_matrix = np.maximum(0.0, cdist(track_features, det_features, metric)) # Normalized features
2 years ago
return cost_matrix
def gate_cost_matrix(kf, cost_matrix, tracks, detections, only_position=False):
2 years ago
"""Apply gating to the cost matrix based on predicted tracks and detected objects."""
2 years ago
if cost_matrix.size == 0:
return cost_matrix
gating_dim = 2 if only_position else 4
gating_threshold = chi2inv95[gating_dim]
measurements = np.asarray([det.to_xyah() for det in detections])
for row, track in enumerate(tracks):
gating_distance = kf.gating_distance(track.mean, track.covariance, measurements, only_position)
cost_matrix[row, gating_distance > gating_threshold] = np.inf
return cost_matrix
def fuse_motion(kf, cost_matrix, tracks, detections, only_position=False, lambda_=0.98):
2 years ago
"""Fuse motion between tracks and detections with gating and Kalman filtering."""
2 years ago
if cost_matrix.size == 0:
return cost_matrix
gating_dim = 2 if only_position else 4
gating_threshold = chi2inv95[gating_dim]
measurements = np.asarray([det.to_xyah() for det in detections])
for row, track in enumerate(tracks):
gating_distance = kf.gating_distance(track.mean, track.covariance, measurements, only_position, metric='maha')
cost_matrix[row, gating_distance > gating_threshold] = np.inf
cost_matrix[row] = lambda_ * cost_matrix[row] + (1 - lambda_) * gating_distance
return cost_matrix
def fuse_iou(cost_matrix, tracks, detections):
2 years ago
"""Fuses ReID and IoU similarity matrices to yield a cost matrix for object tracking."""
2 years ago
if cost_matrix.size == 0:
return cost_matrix
reid_sim = 1 - cost_matrix
iou_dist = iou_distance(tracks, detections)
iou_sim = 1 - iou_dist
fuse_sim = reid_sim * (1 + iou_sim) / 2
# det_scores = np.array([det.score for det in detections])
# det_scores = np.expand_dims(det_scores, axis=0).repeat(cost_matrix.shape[0], axis=0)
return 1 - fuse_sim # fuse cost
def fuse_score(cost_matrix, detections):
2 years ago
"""Fuses cost matrix with detection scores to produce a single similarity matrix."""
2 years ago
if cost_matrix.size == 0:
return cost_matrix
iou_sim = 1 - cost_matrix
det_scores = np.array([det.score for det in detections])
det_scores = np.expand_dims(det_scores, axis=0).repeat(cost_matrix.shape[0], axis=0)
fuse_sim = iou_sim * det_scores
return 1 - fuse_sim # fuse_cost
def bbox_ious(box1, box2, eps=1e-7):
2 years ago
Calculate the Intersection over Union (IoU) between pairs of bounding boxes.
box1 (np.array): A numpy array of shape (n, 4) representing 'n' bounding boxes.
Each row is in the format (x1, y1, x2, y2).
box2 (np.array): A numpy array of shape (m, 4) representing 'm' bounding boxes.
Each row is in the format (x1, y1, x2, y2).
eps (float, optional): A small constant to prevent division by zero. Defaults to 1e-7.
(np.array): A numpy array of shape (n, m) representing the IoU scores for each pair
of bounding boxes from box1 and box2.
The bounding box coordinates are expected to be in the format (x1, y1, x2, y2).
2 years ago
# Get the coordinates of bounding boxes
b1_x1, b1_y1, b1_x2, b1_y2 = box1.T
b2_x1, b2_y1, b2_x2, b2_y2 = box2.T
# Intersection area
inter_area = (np.minimum(b1_x2[:, None], b2_x2) - np.maximum(b1_x1[:, None], b2_x1)).clip(0) * \
(np.minimum(b1_y2[:, None], b2_y2) - np.maximum(b1_y1[:, None], b2_y1)).clip(0)
# box2 area
box1_area = (b1_x2 - b1_x1) * (b1_y2 - b1_y1)
box2_area = (b2_x2 - b2_x1) * (b2_y2 - b2_y1)
return inter_area / (box2_area + box1_area[:, None] - inter_area + eps)