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// Project: Anonymizer
// Brno University of Technology
// Faculty of Information Technology
// This project was financially supported by project VG20102015006 funds
// provided by Ministry of the Interior of the Czech republic.
@file trackedobject.cpp
@brief Implementation of methods ...
@details Details
@authors Martin Borek (
@authors Filip Orsag (
@date 2014-2015
@note This project was supported by MV CR project VG20102015006.
@copyright BUT OPEN SOURCE LICENCE (see License.txt)
#include "trackedobject.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include "objectshape.h"
// Only currentSection can have initialized trackingAlgorithm so as memory can be correctly freed
{ // CEREAL uses this constructor
endTimestampSet = false;
currentSection = nullptr;
nextSection = false;
allProcessed = false;
qDebug() << "new trackedObject";
TrackedObject::TrackedObject(const Characteristics &appearance, std::string objectName, int64_t initialTimestamp,
Selection initialPosition, unsigned long initialTimePosition, unsigned long initialFrameNumber,
bool endTimestampSet, int64_t endTimestamp, unsigned long endTimePosition,
unsigned long endFrameNumber) :
add_section(initialTimestamp, initialPosition, initialTimePosition, initialFrameNumber);
currentSection = nullptr;
nextSection = false;
allProcessed = false;
//lastProcessedTimestamp = -1;
for (auto &section: trajectorySections)
if (section.second.trackingAlgorithm)
{// if there is initialized trackingAlgorithm, free its memory
// this should occur only with currentSection
delete section.second.trackingAlgorithm;
section.second.trackingAlgorithm = nullptr;
if (trackingAlgorithm)
{ // was it already initialized (by initialize_section)?
delete trackingAlgorithm;
trackingAlgorithm = nullptr;
void TrackedObject::add_section(int64_t initialTimestamp, Selection const &initialPosition, unsigned long initialTimePosition, unsigned long initialFrameNumber)
TrajectorySection newSection(initialPosition, initialTimestamp, initialTimePosition, initialFrameNumber);
trajectorySections.insert({initialTimestamp, newSection});
// If oldTimeSet==true, oldTimestamp is valid and updating is done, otherwise adding is done
bool TrackedObject::set_trajectory_section(int64_t newTimestamp, Selection position, unsigned long timePosition, unsigned long frameNumber)
if (endTimestampSet && endTimestamp < newTimestamp)
return false; // Section cannot begin after the end of the tracking period
else if (trajectorySections.find(newTimestamp) != trajectorySections.end())
{ // Section with this timestamp already exists
// Change that section instead of creating a new one
qDebug() << "set_trajectory_section calls change_trajectory_section";
return change_trajectory_section(newTimestamp, newTimestamp, position, timePosition, frameNumber);
add_section(newTimestamp, position, timePosition, frameNumber);
allProcessed = false;
int64_t lastProcessedTimestamp;
bool lastProcessedTimestampSet = get_last_processed_timestamp(lastProcessedTimestamp);
if (newTimestamp < initialTimestamp)
{ // delete current and delete all trajectory => DONE
initialTimestamp = newTimestamp;
else if ((newTimestamp < initialTimestamp) || // This section begins before the BEGINNING section. Therefore, set this section as beginning.
(lastProcessedTimestampSet && newTimestamp <= lastProcessedTimestamp))
if (currentSection)
{ // Unset it
if (currentSection->trackingAlgorithm)
delete currentSection->trackingAlgorithm;
currentSection->trackingAlgorithm = nullptr;
currentSection = nullptr;
nextSection = false;
if (newTimestamp < initialTimestamp)
initialTimestamp = newTimestamp;
else // (lastProcessedTimestampSet && newTimestamp <= lastProcessedTimestamp)
// delete all >=newTimestamp
trajectory.erase(trajectory.find(newTimestamp), trajectory.end());
// No need to unset currentSection or delete anything from trajectory.
// The currently processed frame is before this section.
// Only nextSectionTimestamp may need to be updated if the newly added section is the next one.
// The newly added is already in trajectorySections, so let it find the appropriate one itself
auto nextSectionIterator = trajectorySections.upper_bound(currentSection->initialTimestamp);
if (nextSectionIterator != trajectorySections.end())
nextSection = true;
nextSectionTimestamp = nextSectionIterator->first;
nextSection = false;
return true;
bool TrackedObject::change_trajectory_section(int64_t oldTimestamp, int64_t newTimestamp, Selection position, unsigned long timePosition, unsigned long frameNumber)
// The oldTimestamp needs to exist
assert(trajectorySections.find(oldTimestamp) != trajectorySections.end());
if (endTimestampSet && endTimestamp < newTimestamp)
return false; // Section cannot begin after the end of the tracking period
// currentSection will be unset, therefore trackingAlgorithm deletion is needed
if (currentSection && currentSection->trackingAlgorithm)
{ // if currentSection is set and has initialized trackingAlgorithm, delete the trackingAlgorithm
// as it is not needed anymore; if needed, it would get initialized again
trajectory.erase(trajectory.find(currentSection->initialTimestamp), trajectory.end()); // Clear all the trajectory from Current section initial timestamp till the end
delete currentSection->trackingAlgorithm;
currentSection->trackingAlgorithm = nullptr;
currentSection = nullptr; // let track_next() to find correct currentSection and nextSection
nextSection = false;
allProcessed = false;
auto oldSection = trajectorySections.find(oldTimestamp);
if (oldSection == trajectorySections.begin())
{ // The Beginning section is being changed
assert(initialTimestamp == oldTimestamp);
trajectory.clear(); // All trajectory will be counted from the beginning
// Delete all trajectory changes (sections) that occur before this section as this is the beginning.
// This situation happens when user moves the Beginning forward while some Section was
// defined on some position between the old Beginning and the new one.
trajectorySections.erase(trajectorySections.begin(), trajectorySections.find(newTimestamp));
initialTimestamp = newTimestamp;
{ // Trajectory change section is being change, not Beginning
trajectory.erase(trajectory.find(newTimestamp), trajectory.end()); // Clear all the trajectory from the timestamp at which the section begins till the end
if (newTimestamp < initialTimestamp) // This section begins before the BEGINNING section. Therefore, set this section as beginning.
initialTimestamp = newTimestamp;
if (oldTimestamp < newTimestamp)
{ // Section is updated to begin later
// V tomhle pripade je treba, aby bylo z trajectory odstraneno vsechno pocinaje
// zacatku PREDCHOZI sekce od oldTimestamp. To z toho duvodu, ze od oldTimestamp
// je treba prepocitat novou trajektorii. Vzhledem k tomu, ze zadna sekce na snimku
// oldTimestamp nezacina (ta soucasna se meni ne currentTimestamp), tak je treba pozici
// objektu vypocitat pomoci trackingAlgorithm predchozi sekce. Ten vsak musi byt
// inicializovan a proto musi probehnout od zacatku. Z toho duvodu se maze vse od
// zacatku teto predchozi sekce.
// If oldSection was trajectorySections.begin(), decreasing the iterator would cause
// undefined behaviour. However, this branche secures that this cannot happen.
trajectory.erase(trajectory.find((--oldSection)->first), trajectory.end());
if (trajectorySections.find(newTimestamp) != trajectorySections.end())
{ // Section with this timestamp already exists
// Call change_trajectory_section to replace the old section by this new one
qDebug() << "change_trajectory_section(): Section with given timestamp exists. Thus, the old one was deleted.";
return change_trajectory_section(newTimestamp, newTimestamp, position, timePosition, frameNumber);
add_section(newTimestamp, position, timePosition, frameNumber);
return true;
/* If false return: Beginning section cannot be deleted */
bool TrackedObject::delete_trajectory_section(int64_t timestamp)
if (timestamp == initialTimestamp) // Beginning section cannot be deleted
qDebug() << "Beginning section cannot be deleted";
return false;
if (currentSection && (currentSection->initialTimestamp >= timestamp))
{ // This trajectorySection will be erased below(==timestamp) or
// takes place after the section being deleted(>timestamp), therefore needs to be unset
if (currentSection->trackingAlgorithm)
delete currentSection->trackingAlgorithm;
currentSection->trackingAlgorithm = nullptr;
currentSection = nullptr;
nextSection = false;
else if (nextSection && nextSectionTimestamp == timestamp)
{ // The deleted section should have been the next section.
// Set the following section or false if no later section exists.
auto nextSectionIterator = trajectorySections.upper_bound(timestamp);
if (nextSectionIterator != trajectorySections.end())
nextSection = true;
nextSectionTimestamp = nextSectionIterator->first;
nextSection = false;
allProcessed = false;
// previousSection always exists as Beginning section cannot be deleted.
auto previousSection = --(trajectorySections.find(timestamp));
// Remove all entries that exist for frames at timestamps higher than the beginning
// of the PREVIOUS section. It is needed so the trackingAlgorithm from the previous section
// goes from its beginning to have the correct data. Thereby, the deleted trajectory will be recounted.
trajectory.erase(trajectory.find(previousSection->first), trajectory.end());
return true;
/* If set==false, the end frame will be unset and the object will be tracked till the end of the video
* newTimestamp and timePosition are valid only if set==true
* Returns false when given timestamp is lower than the timestamp of Beginning
bool TrackedObject::change_end_frame(bool set, int64_t timestamp, unsigned long timePosition, unsigned long frameNumber)
if (!set)
{ // Tracking till the end of the video
if (allProcessed)
{ // All frames were processed, but now the length is extended.
// Delete trajectory from the last section's initial timestamp till the end so the
// tracking algorithm has the right values.
trajectory.erase(trajectory.find(trajectorySections.rbegin()->first), trajectory.end());
endTimestampSet = false;
allProcessed = false;
{ // End timestamp is set
if (timestamp < initialTimestamp)// given timestamp is lower than the timestamp of Beginning -> Not valid
return false;
if (allProcessed && timestamp > endTimestamp)
{ // All frames were processed, but now the length is extended.
// Delete trajectory from the last section's initial timestamp till the end so the
// tracking algorithm has the right values.
trajectory.erase(trajectory.find(trajectorySections.rbegin()->first), trajectory.end());
allProcessed = false;
endTimestampSet = true;
endTimestamp = timestamp;
endTimePosition = timePosition;
endFrameNumber = frameNumber;
// Remove all entries that exist for frames at timestamps higher than the end timestamp
trajectory.erase(trajectory.upper_bound(timestamp), trajectory.end());
if (currentSection && (currentSection->initialTimestamp > timestamp) && currentSection->trackingAlgorithm)
{ // This trajectorySection will be erased below, therefore needs to be unset
delete currentSection->trackingAlgorithm;
currentSection->trackingAlgorithm = nullptr;
currentSection = nullptr;
nextSection = false;
if (nextSection && (nextSectionTimestamp > endTimestamp)) // If there is a next section that is later than the end timestamp
nextSection = false;
// Remove all sections (trajectory changes) that have timestamp higher than the end timestamp
trajectorySections.erase(trajectorySections.upper_bound(timestamp), trajectorySections.end());
if (trajectory.find(timestamp) != trajectory.end())
{ // "trajectory" contains positions throughout all the object live; thus, everything is processed
return true;
void TrackedObject::change_appearance(Characteristics const &newAppearance)
appearance = newAppearance;
Characteristics TrackedObject::get_appearance() const
return appearance;
//Selection TrackedObject::track_next(cv::Mat const &frame, int64_t timestamp)
// All changes to trajectorySections make currentSection==nullptr and nextSection=false, so
// track_next() needs to find appropriate values
Selection TrackedObject::track_next(VideoFrame const *frame)
if (!currentSection || (nextSection && frame->get_timestamp() >= nextSectionTimestamp))
{ // Enters new section
// Close old section and initialize a new one.
int64_t currentSectionTimestamp;
if (!currentSection)
{ // First section or change to trajectorySections was made
if (trajectory.begin() == trajectory.end())
{ // Nothing is processed, set Beginning section
auto trajectoryIterator = trajectorySections.begin();
currentSection = &(trajectoryIterator->second);
currentSectionTimestamp = trajectoryIterator->first; // Is later used to count the nextSectionTimestamp
int64_t lastProcessed = trajectory.rbegin()->first;
// Find section that begins after the last processed frame.
// That should be the next frame. If not - entries would be missing
// and that would cause an error.
auto trajectoryIterator = trajectorySections.upper_bound(lastProcessed);
currentSection = &(trajectoryIterator->second);
currentSectionTimestamp = trajectoryIterator->first;
{ // currentSection was set
// Entering next section
if (currentSection->trackingAlgorithm)
{ // delete the trackingAlgorithm as it is not needed anymore;
// if needed, it would get initialized again
delete currentSection->trackingAlgorithm;
currentSection->trackingAlgorithm = nullptr;
currentSection = &(trajectorySections[nextSectionTimestamp]);
currentSectionTimestamp = nextSectionTimestamp;
auto nextSectionIterator = trajectorySections.upper_bound(currentSectionTimestamp);
if (nextSectionIterator != trajectorySections.end())
nextSection = true;
nextSectionTimestamp = nextSectionIterator->first;
nextSection = false;
// Now initialize the new section's tracking algorithm
Selection centerizedPosition;
currentSection->trackingAlgorithm = new TrackingAlgorithm(*(frame->get_mat_frame()),
currentSection->initialPosition, centerizedPosition);
trajectory[frame->get_timestamp()] = TrajectoryEntry(centerizedPosition, frame->get_time_position(), frame->get_frame_number());
return centerizedPosition;
Selection result = currentSection->trackingAlgorithm->track_next_frame(*(frame->get_mat_frame()));
trajectory[frame->get_timestamp()] = TrajectoryEntry(result, frame->get_time_position(), frame->get_frame_number());
int64_t lastProcessedTimestamp;
if (endTimestampSet && get_last_processed_timestamp(lastProcessedTimestamp) && lastProcessedTimestamp == endTimestamp)
return result;
bool TrackedObject::get_position(int64_t timestamp, Selection &trackedPosition) const
trackedPosition =; // Throws an exception, when trajectory with given timestamp does not exist
} catch (std::out_of_range) {
return false;
return true;
bool TrackedObject::draw_mark(cv::Mat &frame, cv::Mat const &originalFrame, int64_t timestamp) const
//qDebug()<< "Draw mark";
Selection position;
position =; // Throws an exception, when trajectory with given timestamp does not exist
} catch (std::out_of_range) {
return false;
if (appearance.defocus)
assert(appearance.defocusSize > 0);
//cv::Mat3b roiMat = imgMat(cv::Rect(hSt,vSt,hEn,vEn));
unsigned long x = position.x - position.width/2;
unsigned long y = position.y - position.height/2;
unsigned long xMax = position.width + x;
unsigned long yMax = position.height + y;
// This secures valid values
unsigned long cols = frame.cols;
unsigned long rows = frame.rows;
if (xMax > cols)
xMax = cols;
if (yMax > rows)
yMax = rows;
unsigned long i, j;
unsigned long currentSquareWidth, currentSquareHeight;
cv::Rect roiRect;
cv::Mat roi;
cv::Scalar mean;
for (i=x; i < xMax; i+=appearance.defocusSize)
for (j=y; j < yMax; j+=appearance.defocusSize)
currentSquareWidth = appearance.defocusSize;
currentSquareHeight = appearance.defocusSize;
if (i+currentSquareWidth > xMax) // Do not cross the object's border
currentSquareWidth = xMax - i;
if (j+currentSquareHeight > yMax) // Do not cross the object's border
currentSquareHeight = yMax - j;
// Width and height must not be 0 for roi to be created
if (currentSquareWidth > 0 && currentSquareHeight > 0)
roiRect = cv::Rect(i, j, currentSquareWidth, currentSquareHeight);
roi = originalFrame(roiRect); // originalFrame is used so as it does not involve other tracked objects
mean = cv::mean(roi);
cv::rectangle(frame, roiRect, mean, CV_FILLED);
else // Fill and/or border; not defocus
cv::RotatedRect rectangle = cv::RotatedRect(cv::Point2f(position.x, position.y), cv::Size2f(position.width, position.height), position.angle);
// Important note: OpenCV uses BGR, not RGB
cv::Scalar borderColor(appearance.borderColor.b, appearance.borderColor.g, appearance.borderColor.r);
cv::Scalar color(appearance.color.b, appearance.color.g, appearance.color.r);
if (appearance.shape == ObjectShape::RECTANGLE)
cv::Point2f vertices2f[4];
cv::Point vertices[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
vertices[i] = vertices2f[i];
if (appearance.drawInside)
cv::fillConvexPoly(frame, vertices, 4, color);
if (appearance.drawBorder && appearance.borderThickness > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
cv::line(frame, vertices2f[i], vertices2f[(i+1)%4], borderColor, appearance.borderThickness, CV_AA);
else if (appearance.shape == ObjectShape::ELLIPSE)
if (appearance.drawInside)
cv::ellipse(frame,rectangle, color, -1);
if (appearance.drawBorder && appearance.borderThickness > 0)
cv::ellipse(frame,rectangle, borderColor, appearance.borderThickness);
return true;
std::map<int64_t, TrajectorySection> const &TrackedObject::get_trajectory_sections() const
return trajectorySections;
std::map<int64_t, TrajectoryEntry> const &TrackedObject::get_trajectory() const
return trajectory;
int64_t TrackedObject::get_initial_timestamp() const
return initialTimestamp;
int64_t TrackedObject::get_end_timestamp() const
return endTimestamp;
unsigned long TrackedObject::get_end_time_position() const
return endTimePosition;
unsigned long TrackedObject::get_end_frame_number() const
return endFrameNumber;
//int64_t TrackedObject::get_last_processed_timestamp() const
/* If false is returned, timestamp is not valid */
bool TrackedObject::get_last_processed_timestamp(int64_t &timestamp) const
if (trajectory.begin() == trajectory.end())
qDebug() << "Trajectory is empty";
return false;
timestamp = trajectory.rbegin()->first;
return true;
//return lastProcessedTimestamp;
void TrackedObject::set_all_processed(bool processed)
allProcessed = processed;
//qDebug() << "all processed set";
if (processed == true)
if (currentSection && currentSection->trackingAlgorithm)
{ // if currentSection is set and has initialized trackingAlgorithm, delete the trackingAlgorithm
// as it is not needed anymore; if needed, it would get initialized again
delete currentSection->trackingAlgorithm;
currentSection->trackingAlgorithm = nullptr;
currentSection = nullptr;
nextSection = false;
bool TrackedObject::is_all_processed() const
return allProcessed;
bool TrackedObject::is_end_timestamp_set() const
return endTimestampSet;
std::string TrackedObject::get_name() const
return name;
bool TrackedObject::set_name(std::string newName)
name = newName;
return true;
void TrackedObject::erase_trajectory_to_comply()
if (allProcessed) // Everything is already processed, sections are not needed anymore
int64_t lastProcessedTimestamp;
if (!get_last_processed_timestamp(lastProcessedTimestamp))
return; // Nothing processed -> nothing to be erased
auto section = --(trajectorySections.upper_bound(lastProcessedTimestamp));
trajectory.erase(trajectory.find(section->second.initialTimestamp), trajectory.end()); // Clear all the trajectory from Current section initial timestamp till the end