# Profilometer Probe
## Firmware for profilometer probe
### Build
- Build using Makefile inside Firmware folder
- Flash onto hardware using flash option for make command `$ make flash`
### Supported HW:
- Nucleo L432KC
- Arducam 5MP Plus
### HW Setup
Before running code, connect camera module to microcontroler through pins described in .ioc file (open with STM32CubeMX) or in table below.
| Name | Nucleo L432KC | Arducam 5MP Plus |
| ----------- | ------------- | ---------------- |
| SPI SCLK | A4 | SCK |
| SPI MISO | A5 | MISO |
| SPI MOSI | A6 | MOSI |
| SPI CS | D3 | CS |
| I2C SCL | D1 | SCL |
| I2C SDA | D0 | SDA |
You can connect optional Debug LED to A1 pin in Nucleo board.
#### Probe design block Scheme
![alt text](https://github.com/aprochazka/ProfilometerProbe/blob/main/deviceScheme.png?raw=true)
### Current State
- Sends test JPEG image sequence through USB CDC
### Test Current State
- Tested on: Arch Linux
- Inside Receiver folder build using Makefile
- Code counts with CDC device on /dev/ttyACM2 (can be changed in code)
- Run with sudo permission, so that serial port is openable
### Test Script Usage - outdated
- Build test app using provided Makefile and then run the executable
- App will then start saving files received by uart to filesystem
### In progress