.. Generování 3D modelu otisku prstu documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri May 5 21:01:20 2023. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Generating fingerprint models ============================= Generating curved fingerprint model ----------------------------------- It is possible to generate stl model using the `--stl` switch. This requires more parameters, first of which is the type of generated fingerprint. If the mode is set to `c`, the output model will be a curved finger model, with optional parameters following the filename controlling its shape. First optional parameter is papilar line height `height_line`, second is thickness of the model `height_base`, third the rate of curvature along x axis `curv_rate_x` and the third is the rate of curvature along y axis `curv_rate_y`. * General form for curved stl generation: .. code-block:: console $ python3 src/main.py input_file output_file dpi --config config_file preset --stl c height_line height_base curvature_x curvature_y * Working example curved stl generation: .. code-block:: console $ python3 src/main.py res/examples/Palec_P4.tif res/examples/Palec_P4_from_preset.png 600 --config config/config.json git_example --stl c 2 10 2 2 Generating planar finger model ----------------------------------- Using `p` mode makes the generated fingerprint model flat. Optional parameters are height of the papilar lines and base thickness. * General command form for planar stl generation: .. code-block:: console $ python3 src/main.py input_file output_file dpi --config config_file preset --stl p height_line height_base * Working example of planar stl generation: .. code-block:: $ python3 src/main.py res/examples/Palec_P4.tif res/examples/Palec_P4_from_preset.png 600 --config config/config.json git_example --stl p 2 10 Mapping fingerprint to existing finger model -------------------------------------------- Using `m` mode modifies the preexisting finger model to contain fingerprint. First optional parameter is papilar line height `height_line`, second is the number of iterations `iter` to make the finger mesh denser. Higher number of itertions results in denser finger mesh and better result. The last three parameters are axis offsets for the finger, `finger_x`, `finger_y`, `finger_z`. These control the location of the finger. They need to be set only if the user wants to move core of the print closer to the center of the finger. * General command form for mapped stl generation .. code-block:: console $ python3 src/main.py input_file output_file dpi --config config_file preset --stl m height_line iter finger_x finger_y finger_z * Working example of finger mapping .. code-block:: console $ python3 src/main.py res/examples/Palec_P4.tif res/examples/Palec_P4.png 600 --config conf/conf.json ridge --stl m 0.2 2 0 0 0