"""! @file main.py @brief Main file for the application @author xlanro00 """ # Import basic libraries import argparse as ap import sys import json #from datetime import datetime # Libraries for image processing import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #from PIL import Image import cv2 as cv # Import custom image filter library import filters as flt class apply_filters: def __init__(self): # Parse arguments from command line self.parse_arguments() self.params = {} self.filters = [] # Parse configuration from json file if self.args.config: self.config_file = self.args.config[0] self.preset_name = self.args.config[1] self.config = json.load(open(self.config_file)) print("Config loaded") self.parse_conf() # If no config file given, expect filters in command line else: print("No config file given, using command line arguments") i = 0 for filter in self.args.filters: if filter.find('=') == -1: self.filters.append(filter) i += 1 self.params[i] = {} else: key, value = filter.split('=') self.params[i][key] = value self.parse_params(self.params[i]) self.input_file = self.args.input_file self.output_file = self.args.output_file self.dpi = self.args.dpi self.mirror = self.args.mirror if self.args.mirror else 0 #read as numpy.array self.img = cv.imread(self.input_file, cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) self.width = self.img.shape[1] self.height = self.img.shape[0] #print(self.width, self.height) fig = plt.figure(figsize = (self.width, self.height), frameon = False, dpi = self.dpi / 100) # dpi is in cm ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) if self.mirror: self.mirror_image() # Apply all filters and save image self.apply_filter() self.save_image(fig, ax) def check_param(self, params, key): try: params[key] = params[key] except KeyError: params[key] = None def parse_params(self, params): possible_params = {"h", "searchWindowSize","templateWindowSize", "ksize", "kernel", "sigmaX" , "sigmaY", "sigmaColor", "sigmaSpace", "d", "anchor", "iterations", "op"} for key in possible_params: self.check_param(params, key) def parse_conf(self): # Parse configuration file if given. try: filter_array = self.config[self.preset_name] for i, filter in enumerate(range(len(filter_array)), start=1): self.filters.append(filter_array[filter]["name"]) self.params[i] = {} for attribute, value in filter_array[filter].items(): if attribute != "name": self.params[i][attribute] = value self.parse_params(self.params[i]) except(KeyError): print("Preset not found", file = sys.stderr) def parse_arguments(self): # Parse arguments parser = ap.ArgumentParser(prog = 'main.py', description = 'Program for processing a 2D image into 3D fingerprint.', usage='%(prog)s [-h] [-m | --mirror | --no-mirror] input_file output_file dpi ([-c config_file preset | --config config_file preset] | [filters ...])') # positional arguments parser.add_argument("input_file", type = str, help = "location with input file") parser.add_argument("output_file", type = str, help = "output file location") parser.add_argument("dpi", type = int, help = "scanner dpi") # boolean switch parser.add_argument('-m', "--mirror", help = "mirror input image", type = bool, action = ap.BooleanOptionalAction) # file with configuration containing presets, new preset name # pair argument - give both or none parser.add_argument('-c','--config', nargs = 2, metavar = ('config_file', 'preset'), help = 'pair: name of the config file with presets, name of the preset') # array of unknown length, all filter names saved inside parser.add_argument('filters', type = str, nargs = '*', help="list of filter names and their parameters in form [filter_name1 param1=value1 param2=value2 filter_name2 param1=value1...]") self.args = parser.parse_args() def filter_factory(self, filter_name): # selects filter method of filters library # better this than a 100 if/else print("Applying " + filter_name + " filter", file = sys.stderr) return getattr(flt, filter_name) def resize_image(self): print("Resize image", file = sys.stderr) self.img = self.img.resize((np.array(self.width, self.height)).astype(int)) def mirror_image(self): # mirror image when mirroring is needed # should be used only if we want a positive form print("Mirroring image", file=sys.stderr) self.img = cv.flip(self.img, 1) # 1 for vertical mirror def apply_filter(self): if len(self.filters) == 0: # No filter given, just save the image pass else: # Apply all filters for i, filter_name in enumerate(self.filters): filter = self.filter_factory(filter_name) filter.apply(self, self.params[i+1]) def print_size(self, size): print("Width: " + str(size[0]), file = sys.stderr) print("Height: " + str(size[1]), file = sys.stderr) def save_image(self, fig, ax): # Save processed image. print("Saving image", file = sys.stderr) ax.imshow(self.img, cmap="gray") fig.savefig(fname=self.output_file) app = apply_filters()