# About this Project This project is being developed as a practical part of bachelor's thesis at Brno Universtiy of Technology - Faculty of Information Studies. It is as of now a work in progress, no results guaranteed. The topic of this thesis is Generating a 3D Fingerprint Model. This application can be used to apply series of image processing filters to a fingerprint image to make it more suitable for conversion to 3D stl model and printing. It should also have the functionality to convert the image to stl model. # Prerequisites For now this is only viable for ubuntu gnu/linux machines Before cloning repository, you need these to succesfully use the application. * python version 3.10 is a requirement might work on earlier python 3 versions ```sh apt install python3.10 ``` * python graphical modules ```sh pip install numpy matplotlib pillow ``` # Installation Installation is relatively fast and easy. 1. Clone the repository ```sh git clone ssh://git@strade.fit.vutbr.cz:3022/xlanro00/BP_DP-xlanro00.git ``` 2. Prepare the image file with fingerprint, run the application # Usage There are two ways to enter filter series * manually from command line ```sh python src/main.py res/test_fp.png res/test_fp_cpy.png 100 blur ``` * manually from preset saved in a json config file, that can be used to create new presets ```sh python src/main.py res/test_fp.png res/test_fp_cpy.png 100 --config config/config.json default_preset ``` # Comparison Image before processing the fingerprint and after it.
Before After
# Generated STL model TODO # Roadmap - [x] Load and store image - [x] Apply basic image processing filters - [ ] Create filter library with more filters - [x] Use presets from config files - [ ] Make it a viable option to process an image - [ ] Convert image to stl format - [ ] Export final model ready for printing # ### Author Rostislav Lán - xlanro00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz ### Supervisor Ing. Petr Malaník ### Links Project Link: [https://strade.fit.vutbr.cz/git/xlanro00/BP_DP-xlanro00](https://strade.fit.vutbr.cz/git/xlanro00/BP_DP-xlanro00)