.. Generování 3D modelu otisku prstu documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri May 5 21:01:20 2023. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Installation ============ Requirements ------------ For now this has only been tested on Ubuntu 22.04, Fedora 37 and virtual machine with Ubuntu. It should be possible to use it in on most linux distributions, WSLs and also virtual machines of most linux distributions. To start off, you need these to succesfully use the application. * **python** version 3.10 is a requirement might work on earlier python 3 versions: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt install python3.10 * **virtualenv** package for virtual enviroment creation, other packages are installed automatically later: .. code-block:: console $ pip install virtualenv Getting started --------------- This will install the application and its components into the Documents directory. It will also install several required python packages, including venv, which is used to create a virtual enviroment. 1. Go to a suitable installation folder, for example **Documents**: .. code-block:: console $ cd /home/username/Documents 2. Clone the repository to a suitable directory, for example: .. code-block:: console $ git clone https://strade.fit.vutbr.cz/git/xlanro00/BP_DP-xlanro00.git 3. Go inside cloned directory: .. code-block:: console $ cd BP_DP-xlanro00 4. Create and enter the virtual enviroment: .. code-block:: console $ virtualenv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate 5. Install required python modules from **requirements.txt**: .. code-block:: console (.venv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt 6. Now, you are all set to run the application. Examples of how to do this are listedin the section bellow.