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# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, GPL-3.0 license
from copy import copy
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from ultralytics.nn.tasks import PoseModel
from ultralytics.yolo import v8
from ultralytics.yolo.utils import DEFAULT_CFG
from ultralytics.yolo.utils.loss import KeypointLoss
from ultralytics.yolo.utils.metrics import OKS_SIGMA
from ultralytics.yolo.utils.ops import xyxy2xywh
from ultralytics.yolo.utils.plotting import plot_images, plot_results
from ultralytics.yolo.utils.tal import make_anchors
from ultralytics.yolo.utils.torch_utils import de_parallel
from ultralytics.yolo.v8.detect.train import Loss
# BaseTrainer python usage
class PoseTrainer(v8.detect.DetectionTrainer):
def __init__(self, cfg=DEFAULT_CFG, overrides=None, _callbacks=None):
if overrides is None:
overrides = {}
overrides['task'] = 'pose'
super().__init__(cfg, overrides, _callbacks)
def get_model(self, cfg=None, weights=None, verbose=True):
model = PoseModel(cfg, ch=3,['nc'],['kpt_shape'], verbose=verbose)
if weights:
return model
def set_model_attributes(self):
self.model.kpt_shape =['kpt_shape']
def get_validator(self):
self.loss_names = 'box_loss', 'pose_loss', 'kobj_loss', 'cls_loss', 'dfl_loss'
return v8.pose.PoseValidator(self.test_loader, save_dir=self.save_dir, args=copy(self.args))
def criterion(self, preds, batch):
if not hasattr(self, 'compute_loss'):
self.compute_loss = PoseLoss(de_parallel(self.model))
return self.compute_loss(preds, batch)
def plot_training_samples(self, batch, ni):
images = batch['img']
kpts = batch['keypoints']
cls = batch['cls'].squeeze(-1)
bboxes = batch['bboxes']
paths = batch['im_file']
batch_idx = batch['batch_idx']
fname=self.save_dir / f'train_batch{ni}.jpg')
def plot_metrics(self):
plot_results(file=self.csv, pose=True) # save results.png
# Criterion class for computing training losses
class PoseLoss(Loss):
def __init__(self, model): # model must be de-paralleled
self.kpt_shape = model.model[-1].kpt_shape
self.bce_pose = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
is_pose = self.kpt_shape == [17, 3]
nkpt = self.kpt_shape[0] # number of keypoints
sigmas = torch.from_numpy(OKS_SIGMA).to(self.device) if is_pose else torch.ones(nkpt, device=self.device) / nkpt
self.keypoint_loss = KeypointLoss(sigmas=sigmas)
def __call__(self, preds, batch):
loss = torch.zeros(5, device=self.device) # box, cls, dfl, kpt_location, kpt_visibility
feats, pred_kpts = preds if isinstance(preds[0], list) else preds[1]
pred_distri, pred_scores =[xi.view(feats[0].shape[0],, -1) for xi in feats], 2).split(
(self.reg_max * 4,, 1)
# b, grids, ..
pred_scores = pred_scores.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()
pred_distri = pred_distri.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()
pred_kpts = pred_kpts.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()
dtype = pred_scores.dtype
imgsz = torch.tensor(feats[0].shape[2:], device=self.device, dtype=dtype) * self.stride[0] # image size (h,w)
anchor_points, stride_tensor = make_anchors(feats, self.stride, 0.5)
# targets
batch_size = pred_scores.shape[0]
batch_idx = batch['batch_idx'].view(-1, 1)
targets =, batch['cls'].view(-1, 1), batch['bboxes']), 1)
targets = self.preprocess(, batch_size, scale_tensor=imgsz[[1, 0, 1, 0]])
gt_labels, gt_bboxes = targets.split((1, 4), 2) # cls, xyxy
mask_gt = gt_bboxes.sum(2, keepdim=True).gt_(0)
# pboxes
pred_bboxes = self.bbox_decode(anchor_points, pred_distri) # xyxy, (b, h*w, 4)
pred_kpts = self.kpts_decode(anchor_points, pred_kpts.view(batch_size, -1, *self.kpt_shape)) # (b, h*w, 17, 3)
_, target_bboxes, target_scores, fg_mask, target_gt_idx = self.assigner(
pred_scores.detach().sigmoid(), (pred_bboxes.detach() * stride_tensor).type(gt_bboxes.dtype),
anchor_points * stride_tensor, gt_labels, gt_bboxes, mask_gt)
target_scores_sum = max(target_scores.sum(), 1)
# cls loss
# loss[1] = self.varifocal_loss(pred_scores, target_scores, target_labels) / target_scores_sum # VFL way
loss[3] = self.bce(pred_scores, / target_scores_sum # BCE
# bbox loss
if fg_mask.sum():
target_bboxes /= stride_tensor
loss[0], loss[4] = self.bbox_loss(pred_distri, pred_bboxes, anchor_points, target_bboxes, target_scores,
target_scores_sum, fg_mask)
keypoints = batch['keypoints'].to(self.device).float().clone()
keypoints[..., 0] *= imgsz[1]
keypoints[..., 1] *= imgsz[0]
for i in range(batch_size):
if fg_mask[i].sum():
idx = target_gt_idx[i][fg_mask[i]]
gt_kpt = keypoints[batch_idx.view(-1) == i][idx] # (n, 51)
gt_kpt[..., 0] /= stride_tensor[fg_mask[i]]
gt_kpt[..., 1] /= stride_tensor[fg_mask[i]]
area = xyxy2xywh(target_bboxes[i][fg_mask[i]])[:, 2:].prod(1, keepdim=True)
pred_kpt = pred_kpts[i][fg_mask[i]]
kpt_mask = gt_kpt[..., 2] != 0
loss[1] += self.keypoint_loss(pred_kpt, gt_kpt, kpt_mask, area) # pose loss
# kpt_score loss
if pred_kpt.shape[-1] == 3:
loss[2] += self.bce_pose(pred_kpt[..., 2], kpt_mask.float()) # keypoint obj loss
loss[0] *= # box gain
loss[1] *= self.hyp.pose / batch_size # pose gain
loss[2] *= self.hyp.kobj / batch_size # kobj gain
loss[3] *= self.hyp.cls # cls gain
loss[4] *= self.hyp.dfl # dfl gain
return loss.sum() * batch_size, loss.detach() # loss(box, cls, dfl)
def kpts_decode(self, anchor_points, pred_kpts):
y = pred_kpts.clone()
y[..., :2] *= 2.0
y[..., 0] += anchor_points[:, [0]] - 0.5
y[..., 1] += anchor_points[:, [1]] - 0.5
return y
def train(cfg=DEFAULT_CFG, use_python=False):
model = cfg.model or 'yolov8n-pose.yaml'
data = or 'coco8-pose.yaml'
device = cfg.device if cfg.device is not None else ''
args = dict(model=model, data=data, device=device)
if use_python:
from ultralytics import YOLO
trainer = PoseTrainer(overrides=args)
if __name__ == '__main__':