You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

20 lines
907 B

import pandas as pd
def export_formats():
# YOLOv5 export formats
x = [
['PyTorch', '-', '.pt', True, True],
['TorchScript', 'torchscript', '.torchscript', True, True],
['ONNX', 'onnx', '.onnx', True, True],
['OpenVINO', 'openvino', '_openvino_model', True, False],
['TensorRT', 'engine', '.engine', False, True],
['CoreML', 'coreml', '.mlmodel', True, False],
['TensorFlow SavedModel', 'saved_model', '_saved_model', True, True],
['TensorFlow GraphDef', 'pb', '.pb', True, True],
['TensorFlow Lite', 'tflite', '.tflite', True, False],
['TensorFlow Edge TPU', 'edgetpu', '_edgetpu.tflite', False, False],
['TensorFlow.js', 'tfjs', '_web_model', False, False],
['PaddlePaddle', 'paddle', '_paddle_model', True, True],]
return pd.DataFrame(x, columns=['Format', 'Argument', 'Suffix', 'CPU', 'GPU'])