import contextlib import inspect import logging.config import os import platform import sys import tempfile import threading import uuid from pathlib import Path import cv2 import pandas as pd import yaml # Constants FILE = Path(__file__).resolve() ROOT = FILE.parents[2] # YOLO DEFAULT_CONFIG = ROOT / "yolo/configs/default.yaml" RANK = int(os.getenv('RANK', -1)) DATASETS_DIR = Path(os.getenv('YOLOv5_DATASETS_DIR', ROOT.parent / 'datasets')) # global datasets directory NUM_THREADS = min(8, max(1, os.cpu_count() - 1)) # number of YOLOv5 multiprocessing threads AUTOINSTALL = str(os.getenv('YOLOv5_AUTOINSTALL', True)).lower() == 'true' # global auto-install mode FONT = 'Arial.ttf' # VERBOSE = str(os.getenv('YOLOv5_VERBOSE', True)).lower() == 'true' # global verbose mode TQDM_BAR_FORMAT = '{l_bar}{bar:10}{r_bar}' # tqdm bar format LOGGING_NAME = 'yolov5' HELP_MSG = \ """ Usage examples for running YOLOv8: 1. Install the ultralytics package: pip install ultralytics 2. Use the Python SDK: from ultralytics import YOLO model = YOLO('yolov8n.yaml') # build a new model from scratch model = YOLO('') # load a pretrained model (recommended for best training results) results = model.train(data='coco128.yaml') # train the model results = model.val() # evaluate model performance on the validation set results = model.predict(source='bus.jpg') # predict on an image success = model.export(format='onnx') # export the model to ONNX format 3. Use the command line interface (CLI): yolo task=detect mode=train model=yolov8n.yaml args... classify predict yolov8n-cls.yaml args... segment val yolov8n-seg.yaml args... export format=onnx args... Docs: Community: GitHub: """ # Settings # torch.set_printoptions(linewidth=320, precision=5, profile='long') # np.set_printoptions(linewidth=320, formatter={'float_kind': '{:11.5g}'.format}) # format short g, %precision=5 pd.options.display.max_columns = 10 cv2.setNumThreads(0) # prevent OpenCV from multithreading (incompatible with PyTorch DataLoader) os.environ['NUMEXPR_MAX_THREADS'] = str(NUM_THREADS) # NumExpr max threads def is_colab(): """ Check if the current script is running inside a Google Colab notebook. Returns: bool: True if running inside a Colab notebook, False otherwise. """ # Check if the google.colab module is present in sys.modules return 'google.colab' in sys.modules def is_kaggle(): """ Check if the current script is running inside a Kaggle kernel. Returns: bool: True if running inside a Kaggle kernel, False otherwise. """ return os.environ.get('PWD') == '/kaggle/working' and os.environ.get('KAGGLE_URL_BASE') == '' def is_jupyter_notebook(): """ Check if the current script is running inside a Jupyter Notebook. Verified on Colab, Jupyterlab, Kaggle, Paperspace. Returns: bool: True if running inside a Jupyter Notebook, False otherwise. """ # Check if the get_ipython function exists # (it does not exist when running as a standalone script) try: from IPython import get_ipython return get_ipython() is not None except ImportError: return False def is_docker() -> bool: """ Determine if the script is running inside a Docker container. Returns: bool: True if the script is running inside a Docker container, False otherwise. """ with open('/proc/self/cgroup') as f: return 'docker' in def is_dir_writeable(dir_path: str) -> bool: """ Check if a directory is writeable. Args: dir_path (str): The path to the directory. Returns: bool: True if the directory is writeable, False otherwise. """ try: with tempfile.TemporaryFile(dir=dir_path): pass return True except OSError: return False def get_default_args(func): # Get func() default arguments signature = inspect.signature(func) return {k: v.default for k, v in signature.parameters.items() if v.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty} def get_user_config_dir(sub_dir='Ultralytics'): """ Get the user config directory. Args: sub_dir (str): The name of the subdirectory to create. Returns: Path: The path to the user config directory. """ # Get the operating system name os_name = platform.system() # Return the appropriate config directory for each operating system if os_name == 'Windows': path = Path.home() / 'AppData' / 'Roaming' / sub_dir elif os_name == 'Darwin': # macOS path = Path.home() / 'Library' / 'Application Support' / sub_dir elif os_name == 'Linux': path = Path.home() / '.config' / sub_dir else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported operating system: {os_name}') # GCP and AWS lambda fix, only /tmp is writeable if not is_dir_writeable(str(path.parent)): path = Path('/tmp') / sub_dir # Create the subdirectory if it does not exist path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return path USER_CONFIG_DIR = get_user_config_dir() # Ultralytics settings dir def emojis(string=''): # Return platform-dependent emoji-safe version of string return string.encode().decode('ascii', 'ignore') if platform.system() == 'Windows' else string def colorstr(*input): # Colors a string, i.e. colorstr('blue', 'hello world') *args, string = input if len(input) > 1 else ("blue", "bold", input[0]) # color arguments, string colors = { "black": "\033[30m", # basic colors "red": "\033[31m", "green": "\033[32m", "yellow": "\033[33m", "blue": "\033[34m", "magenta": "\033[35m", "cyan": "\033[36m", "white": "\033[37m", "bright_black": "\033[90m", # bright colors "bright_red": "\033[91m", "bright_green": "\033[92m", "bright_yellow": "\033[93m", "bright_blue": "\033[94m", "bright_magenta": "\033[95m", "bright_cyan": "\033[96m", "bright_white": "\033[97m", "end": "\033[0m", # misc "bold": "\033[1m", "underline": "\033[4m",} return "".join(colors[x] for x in args) + f"{string}" + colors["end"] def set_logging(name=LOGGING_NAME, verbose=True): # sets up logging for the given name rank = int(os.getenv('RANK', -1)) # rank in world for Multi-GPU trainings level = logging.INFO if verbose and rank in {-1, 0} else logging.ERROR logging.config.dictConfig({ "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": False, "formatters": { name: { "format": "%(message)s"}}, "handlers": { name: { "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "formatter": name, "level": level,}}, "loggers": { name: { "level": level, "handlers": [name], "propagate": False,}}}) class TryExcept(contextlib.ContextDecorator): # YOLOv5 TryExcept class. Usage: @TryExcept() decorator or 'with TryExcept():' context manager def __init__(self, msg=''): self.msg = msg def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback): if value: print(emojis(f"{self.msg}{': ' if self.msg else ''}{value}")) return True def threaded(func): # Multi-threads a target function and returns thread. Usage: @threaded decorator def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): thread = threading.Thread(target=func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, daemon=True) thread.start() return thread return wrapper def yaml_save(file='data.yaml', data=None): """ Save YAML data to a file. Args: file (str, optional): File name. Default is 'data.yaml'. data (dict, optional): Data to save in YAML format. Default is None. Returns: None: Data is saved to the specified file. """ file = Path(file) if not file.parent.exists(): # Create parent directories if they don't exist file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(file, 'w') as f: # Dump data to file in YAML format, converting Path objects to strings yaml.safe_dump({k: str(v) if isinstance(v, Path) else v for k, v in data.items()}, f, sort_keys=False) def yaml_load(file='data.yaml', append_filename=True): """ Load YAML data from a file. Args: file (str, optional): File name. Default is 'data.yaml'. append_filename (bool): Add the YAML filename to the YAML dictionary. Default is True. Returns: dict: YAML data and file name. """ with open(file, errors='ignore') as f: # Add YAML filename to dict and return return {**yaml.safe_load(f), 'yaml_file': str(file)} if append_filename else yaml.safe_load(f) def get_settings(file=USER_CONFIG_DIR / 'settings.yaml'): """ Loads a global settings YAML file or creates one with default values if it does not exist. Args: file (Path): Path to the settings YAML file. Defaults to 'settings.yaml' in the USER_CONFIG_DIR. Returns: dict: Dictionary of settings key-value pairs. """ from ultralytics.yolo.utils.torch_utils import torch_distributed_zero_first defaults = { 'datasets_dir': None, # default datasets directory. If None, current working directory is used. 'weights_dir': None, # default weights directory. If None, current working directory is used. 'runs_dir': None, # default runs directory. If None, current working directory is used. 'sync': True, # sync analytics to help with YOLO development 'uuid': uuid.getnode(), # device UUID to align analytics 'yaml_file': str(file)} # setting YAML file path with torch_distributed_zero_first(RANK): if not file.exists(): yaml_save(file, defaults) settings = yaml_load(file) if settings.keys() != defaults.keys(): settings = {**defaults, **settings} # merge **defaults with **settings (prefer **settings) yaml_save(file, settings) # save updated defaults return settings # Run below code on utils init ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set logger set_logging(LOGGING_NAME) # run before defining LOGGER LOGGER = logging.getLogger(LOGGING_NAME) # define globally (used in,,, etc.) if platform.system() == 'Windows': for fn in, LOGGER.warning: setattr(LOGGER, fn.__name__, lambda x: fn(emojis(x))) # emoji safe logging # Check first-install steps SETTINGS = get_settings() def set_settings(kwargs, file=USER_CONFIG_DIR / 'settings.yaml'): """ Function that runs on a first-time ultralytics package installation to set up global settings and create necessary directories. """ SETTINGS.update(kwargs) yaml_save(file, SETTINGS)