# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, GPL-3.0 license import re import shutil import sys from difflib import get_close_matches from pathlib import Path from types import SimpleNamespace from typing import Dict, Union from ultralytics import __version__, yolo from ultralytics.yolo.utils import (DEFAULT_CFG_DICT, DEFAULT_CFG_PATH, LOGGER, PREFIX, USER_CONFIG_DIR, IterableSimpleNamespace, checks, colorstr, yaml_load, yaml_print) CLI_HELP_MSG = \ """ YOLOv8 'yolo' CLI commands use the following syntax: yolo TASK MODE ARGS Where TASK (optional) is one of [detect, segment, classify] MODE (required) is one of [train, val, predict, export] ARGS (optional) are any number of custom 'arg=value' pairs like 'imgsz=320' that override defaults. See all ARGS at https://docs.ultralytics.com/cfg or with 'yolo cfg' 1. Train a detection model for 10 epochs with an initial learning_rate of 0.01 yolo detect train data=coco128.yaml model=yolov8n.pt epochs=10 lr0=0.01 2. Predict a YouTube video using a pretrained segmentation model at image size 320: yolo segment predict model=yolov8n-seg.pt source=https://youtu.be/Zgi9g1ksQHc imgsz=320 3. Val a pretrained detection model at batch-size 1 and image size 640: yolo detect val model=yolov8n.pt data=coco128.yaml batch=1 imgsz=640 4. Export a YOLOv8n classification model to ONNX format at image size 224 by 128 (no TASK required) yolo export model=yolov8n-cls.pt format=onnx imgsz=224,128 5. Run special commands: yolo help yolo checks yolo version yolo settings yolo copy-cfg yolo cfg Docs: https://docs.ultralytics.com/cli Community: https://community.ultralytics.com GitHub: https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics """ def cfg2dict(cfg): """ Convert a configuration object to a dictionary. This function converts a configuration object to a dictionary, whether it is a file path, a string, or a SimpleNamespace object. Inputs: cfg (str) or (Path) or (SimpleNamespace): Configuration object to be converted to a dictionary. Returns: cfg (dict): Configuration object in dictionary format. """ if isinstance(cfg, (str, Path)): cfg = yaml_load(cfg) # load dict elif isinstance(cfg, SimpleNamespace): cfg = vars(cfg) # convert to dict return cfg def get_cfg(cfg: Union[str, Path, Dict, SimpleNamespace], overrides: Dict = None): """ Load and merge configuration data from a file or dictionary. Args: cfg (str) or (Path) or (Dict) or (SimpleNamespace): Configuration data. overrides (str) or (Dict), optional: Overrides in the form of a file name or a dictionary. Default is None. Returns: (SimpleNamespace): Training arguments namespace. """ cfg = cfg2dict(cfg) # Merge overrides if overrides: overrides = cfg2dict(overrides) check_cfg_mismatch(cfg, overrides) cfg = {**cfg, **overrides} # merge cfg and overrides dicts (prefer overrides) # Return instance return IterableSimpleNamespace(**cfg) def check_cfg_mismatch(base: Dict, custom: Dict): """ This function checks for any mismatched keys between a custom configuration list and a base configuration list. If any mismatched keys are found, the function prints out similar keys from the base list and exits the program. Inputs: - custom (Dict): a dictionary of custom configuration options - base (Dict): a dictionary of base configuration options """ base, custom = (set(x.keys()) for x in (base, custom)) mismatched = [x for x in custom if x not in base] if mismatched: for x in mismatched: matches = get_close_matches(x, base, 3, 0.6) match_str = f"Similar arguments are {matches}." if matches else 'There are no similar arguments.' LOGGER.warning(f"'{colorstr('red', 'bold', x)}' is not a valid YOLO argument. {match_str}") LOGGER.warning(CLI_HELP_MSG) sys.exit() def argument_error(arg): return SyntaxError(f"'{arg}' is not a valid YOLO argument.\n{CLI_HELP_MSG}") def entrypoint(debug=False): """ This function is the ultralytics package entrypoint, it's responsible for parsing the command line arguments passed to the package. This function allows for: - passing mandatory YOLO args as a list of strings - specifying the task to be performed, either 'detect', 'segment' or 'classify' - specifying the mode, either 'train', 'val', 'test', or 'predict' - running special modes like 'checks' - passing overrides to the package's configuration It uses the package's default cfg and initializes it using the passed overrides. Then it calls the CLI function with the composed cfg """ args = ['train', 'predict', 'model=yolov8n.pt'] if debug else sys.argv[1:] if not args: # no arguments passed LOGGER.info(CLI_HELP_MSG) return tasks = 'detect', 'segment', 'classify' modes = 'train', 'val', 'predict', 'export' special = { 'help': lambda: LOGGER.info(CLI_HELP_MSG), 'checks': checks.check_yolo, 'version': lambda: LOGGER.info(__version__), 'settings': lambda: yaml_print(USER_CONFIG_DIR / 'settings.yaml'), 'cfg': lambda: yaml_print(DEFAULT_CFG_PATH), 'copy-cfg': copy_default_config} overrides = {} # basic overrides, i.e. imgsz=320 for a in args: if '=' in a: try: re.sub(r' *= *', '=', a) # remove spaces around equals sign k, v = a.split('=') if k == 'cfg': # custom.yaml passed LOGGER.info(f"{PREFIX}Overriding {DEFAULT_CFG_PATH} with {v}") overrides = {k: val for k, val in yaml_load(v).items() if k != 'cfg'} else: if v.isnumeric(): v = eval(v) elif v.lower() == 'none': v = None elif v.lower() == 'true': v = True elif v.lower() == 'false': v = False elif ',' in v: v = eval(v) overrides[k] = v except (NameError, SyntaxError, ValueError) as e: raise argument_error(a) from e elif a in tasks: overrides['task'] = a elif a in modes: overrides['mode'] = a elif a in special: special[a]() return elif a in DEFAULT_CFG_DICT and DEFAULT_CFG_DICT[a] is False: overrides[a] = True # auto-True for default False args, i.e. 'yolo show' sets show=True elif a in DEFAULT_CFG_DICT: raise SyntaxError(f"'{colorstr('red', 'bold', a)}' is a valid YOLO argument but is missing an '=' sign " f"to set its value, i.e. try '{a}={DEFAULT_CFG_DICT[a]}'\n{CLI_HELP_MSG}") else: raise argument_error(a) cfg = get_cfg(DEFAULT_CFG_DICT, overrides) # create CFG instance # Mapping from task to module module = {"detect": yolo.v8.detect, "segment": yolo.v8.segment, "classify": yolo.v8.classify}.get(cfg.task) if not module: raise SyntaxError(f"yolo task={cfg.task} is invalid. Valid tasks are: {', '.join(tasks)}\n{CLI_HELP_MSG}") # Mapping from mode to function func = { "train": module.train, "val": module.val, "predict": module.predict, "export": yolo.engine.exporter.export}.get(cfg.mode) if not func: raise SyntaxError(f"yolo mode={cfg.mode} is invalid. Valid modes are: {', '.join(modes)}\n{CLI_HELP_MSG}") func(cfg) # Special modes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def copy_default_config(): new_file = Path.cwd() / DEFAULT_CFG_PATH.name.replace('.yaml', '_copy.yaml') shutil.copy2(DEFAULT_CFG_PATH, new_file) LOGGER.info(f"{PREFIX}{DEFAULT_CFG_PATH} copied to {new_file}\n" f"Example YOLO command with this new custom cfg:\n yolo cfg='{new_file}' imgsz=320 batch=8") if __name__ == '__main__': entrypoint(debug=True)