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+## Ultralytics YOLO
+Default training settings and hyperparameters for medium-augmentation COCO training
+### Setting the operation type
+???+ note "Operation"
+ | Key | Value | Description |
+ |--------|----------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ | task | `detect` | Set the task via CLI. See Tasks for all supported tasks like - `detect`, `segment`, `classify`.
- `init` is a special case that creates a copy of default.yaml configs to the current working dir |
+ | mode | `train` | Set the mode via CLI. It can be `train`, `val`, `predict` |
+ | resume | `False` | Resume last given task when set to `True`.
Resume from a given checkpoint is `model.pt` is passed |
+ | model | null | Set the model. Format can differ for task type. Supports `model_name`, `model.yaml` & `model.pt` |
+ | data | null | Set the data. Format can differ for task type. Supports `data.yaml`, `data_folder`, `dataset_name`|
+### Training settings
+??? note "Train"
+ | Key | Value | Description |
+ |------------------|--------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ | device | '' | cuda device, i.e. 0 or 0,1,2,3 or cpu. `''` selects available cuda 0 device |
+ | epochs | 100 | Number of epochs to train |
+ | workers | 8 | Number of cpu workers used per process. Scales automatically with DDP |
+ | batch_size | 16 | Batch size of the dataloader |
+ | img_size | 640 | Image size of data in dataloader |
+ | optimizer | SGD | Optimizer used. Supported optimizer are: `Adam`, `SGD`, `RMSProp` |
+ | single_cls | False | Train on multi-class data as single-class |
+ | image_weights | False | Use weighted image selection for training |
+ | rect | False | Enable rectangular training |
+ | cos_lr | False | Use cosine LR scheduler |
+ | lr0 | 0.01 | Initial learning rate |
+ | lrf | 0.01 | Final OneCycleLR learning rate |
+ | momentum | 0.937 | Use as `momentum` for SGD and `beta1` for Adam |
+ | weight_decay | 0.0005 | Optimizer weight decay |
+ | warmup_epochs | 3.0 | Warmup epochs. Fractions are ok. |
+ | warmup_momentum | 0.8 | Warmup initial momentum |
+ | warmup_bias_lr | 0.1 | Warmup initial bias lr |
+ | box | 0.05 | Box loss gain |
+ | cls | 0.5 | cls loss gain |
+ | cls_pw | 1.0 | cls BCELoss positive_weight |
+ | obj | 1.0 | bj loss gain (scale with pixels) |
+ | obj_pw | 1.0 | obj BCELoss positive_weight |
+ | iou_t | 0.20 | IOU training threshold |
+ | anchor_t | 4.0 | anchor-multiple threshold |
+ | fl_gamma | 0.0 | focal loss gamma |
+ | label_smoothing | 0.0 | |
+ | nbs | 64 | nominal batch size |
+ | overlap_mask | `True` | **Segmentation**: Use mask overlapping during training |
+ | mask_ratio | 4 | **Segmentation**: Set mask downsampling |
+ | dropout | `False`| **Classification**: Use dropout while training |
+### Prediction Settings
+??? note "Prediction"
+ | Key | Value | Description |
+ |----------------|----------------------|----------------------------------------------------|
+ | source | `ultralytics/assets` | Input source. Accepts image, folder, video, url |
+ | view_img | `False` | View the prediction images |
+ | save_txt | `False` | Save the results in a txt file |
+ | save_conf | `False` | Save the condidence scores |
+ | save_crop | `Fasle` | |
+ | hide_labels | `False` | Hide the labels |
+ | hide_conf | `False` | Hide the confidence scores |
+ | vid_stride | `False` | Input video frame-rate stride |
+ | line_thickness | `3` | Bounding-box thickness (pixels) |
+ | visualize | `False` | Visualize model features |
+ | augment | `False` | Augmented inference |
+ | agnostic_nms | `False` | Class-agnostic NMS |
+ | retina_masks | `False` | **Segmentation:** High resolution masks |
+### Validation settings
+??? note "Validation"
+ | Key | Value | Description |
+ |-------------|---------|-----------------------------------|
+ | noval | `False` | ??? |
+ | save_json | `False` | |
+ | save_hybrid | `False` | |
+ | conf_thres | `0.001` | Confidence threshold |
+ | iou_thres | `0.6` | IoU threshold |
+ | max_det | `300` | Maximum number of detections |
+ | half | `True` | Use .half() mode. |
+ | dnn | `False` | Use OpenCV DNN for ONNX inference |
+ | plots | `False` | |
+### Augmentation settings
+??? note "Augmentation"
+ | hsv_h | 0.015 | Image HSV-Hue augmentation (fraction) |
+ |-------------|-------|-------------------------------------------------|
+ | hsv_s | 0.7 | Image HSV-Saturation augmentation (fraction) |
+ | hsv_v | 0.4 | Image HSV-Value augmentation (fraction) |
+ | degrees | 0.0 | Image rotation (+/- deg) |
+ | translate | 0.1 | Image translation (+/- fraction) |
+ | scale | 0.5 | Image scale (+/- gain) |
+ | shear | 0.0 | Image shear (+/- deg) |
+ | perspective | 0.0 | Image perspective (+/- fraction), range 0-0.001 |
+ | flipud | 0.0 | Image flip up-down (probability) |
+ | fliplr | 0.5 | Image flip left-right (probability) |
+ | mosaic | 1.0 | Image mosaic (probability) |
+ | mixup | 0.0 | Image mixup (probability) |
+ | copy_paste | 0.0 | Segment copy-paste (probability) |
+### Logging, checkpoints, plotting and file management
+??? note "files"
+ | Key | Value | Description |
+ |-----------|---------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ | project: | 'runs' | The project name |
+ | name: | 'exp' | The run name. `exp` gets automatically incremented if not specified, i.e, `exp`, `exp2` ... |
+ | exist_ok: | `False` | ??? |
+ | plots | `False` | **Validation**: Save plots while validation |
+ | nosave | `False` | Don't save any plots, models or files |
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@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ Ultralytics YOLO comes with pythonic Model and Trainer interface.
import ultralytics
from ultralytics import YOLO
model = YOLO()
model.new("s-seg.yaml") # automatically detects task type
model.load("s-seg.pt") # load checkpoint
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+All task Trainers are inherited from `BaseTrainer` class that contains the model training and optimzation routine boilerplate. You can override any function of these Trainers to suit your needs.
+### BaseTrainer API Reference
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+::: ultralytics.yolo.engine.model
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-# Python SDK
+## Using YOLO models
+This is the simplest way of simply using yolo models in a python environment. It can be imported from the `ultralytics` module.
-We provide 2 pythonic interfaces for YOLO models:
+!!! example "Usage"
+ === "Training"
+ ```python
+ from ultralytics import YOLO
- Model Interface - To simply build, load, train or run inference on a model in a python application
+ model = YOLO()
+ model.new("n.yaml") # pass any model type
+ model.train(data="coco128.yaml", epochs=5)
+ ```
- Trainer Interface - To customize trainier elements depending on the task. Suitable for R&D ideas like architecutres.
+ === "Training pretrained"
+ ```python
+ from ultralytics import YOLO
+ model = YOLO()
+ model.load("n.pt") # pass any model type
+ model(...) # inference
+ model.train(data="coco128.yaml", epochs=5)
+ ```
-### Model Interface
+ === "Resume Training"
+ ```python
+ from ultralytics import YOLO
+ model = YOLO()
+ model.resume(task="detect") # resume last detection training
+ model.resume(task="detect", model="last.pt") # resume from a given model
+ ```
+ More functionality coming soon
+To know more about using `YOLO` models, refer Model class refernce
+[Model reference](#){ .md-button .md-button--primary}
+### Customizing Tasks with Trainers
+`YOLO` model class is a high-level wrapper on the Trainer classes. Each YOLO task has its own trainer that inherits from `BaseTrainer`.
+You can easily cusotmize Trainers to support custom tasks or explore R&D ideas.
+!!! tip "Trainer Examples"
+ === "DetectionTrainer"
+ ```python
+ from ultralytics import yolo
+ trainer = yolo.DetectionTrainer(data=..., epochs=1) # override default configs
+ trainer.train()
+ ```
+ === "SegmentationTrainer"
+ ```python
+ from ultralytics import yolo
+ trainer = yolo.SegmentationTrainer(data=..., epochs=1) # override default configs
+ trainer.train()
+ ```
+ === "ClassificationTrainer"
+ ```python
+ from ultralytics import yolo
+ trainer = yolo.ClassificationTrainer(data=..., epochs=1) # override default configs
+ trainer.train()
+ ```
+Learn more about Customizing `Trainers`, `Validators` and `Predictors` to suit your project needs in the Customization Section. More details about the base engine classes is available in the reference section.
+[Customization tutorials](#){ .md-button .md-button--primary}
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+ background-color: #f8f8f8;
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+ background-color: hsla(var(--md-hue),25%,25%,1)
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- search.suggest
- toc.follow
+ - stylesheets/style.css
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- admonition
- pymdownx.details
- pymdownx.superfences
- tables
+ - attr_list
# Syntax highlight
- pymdownx.highlight:
anchor_linenums: true
@@ -75,11 +78,18 @@ plugins:
- Quickstart: quickstart.md
- CLI: cli.md
- - Python SDK: sdk.md
- - Trainer: trainer.md
+ - Python Interface: sdk.md
- Configuration: conf.md
- Tasks:
- Detection: tasks/detection.md
- Segmentation: tasks/segmentation.md
- Classification: tasks/classification.md
- - Reference: reference/ref.md
\ No newline at end of file
+ - Customization Tutorials:
+ - Customize Trainer: customize/train.md
+ - Customize Validator: customize/val.md
+ - Customize Predictor: customize/predict.md
+ - Reference:
+ - YOLO Models: reference/model.md
+ - Trainer :
+ - BaseTrainer: reference/base_trainer.md
diff --git a/ultralytics/yolo/engine/model.py b/ultralytics/yolo/engine/model.py
index 447f311..733a438 100644
--- a/ultralytics/yolo/engine/model.py
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-Top-level YOLO model interface. First principle usage example - https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/issues/13
import torch
import yaml
from ultralytics import yolo
from ultralytics.yolo.utils import LOGGER
from ultralytics.yolo.utils.checks import check_yaml
+from ultralytics.yolo.utils.files import yaml_load
from ultralytics.yolo.utils.modeling import attempt_load_weights
from ultralytics.yolo.utils.modeling.tasks import ClassificationModel, DetectionModel, SegmentationModel
# map head: [model, trainer]
- "classify": [ClassificationModel, 'yolo.VERSION.classify.ClassificationTrainer'],
- "detect": [DetectionModel, 'yolo.VERSION.detect.DetectionTrainer'],
- "segment": [SegmentationModel, 'yolo.VERSION.segment.SegmentationTrainer']}
+ "classify": [ClassificationModel, 'yolo.TYPE.classify.ClassificationTrainer'],
+ "detect": [DetectionModel, 'yolo.TYPE.detect.DetectionTrainer'],
+ "segment": [SegmentationModel, 'yolo.TYPE.segment.SegmentationTrainer']}
class YOLO:
+ """
+ Python interface which emulates a model-like behaviour by wrapping trainers.
+ """
- def __init__(self, version=8) -> None:
- self.version = version
+ def __init__(self, type="v8") -> None:
+ """
+ Args:
+ type (str): Type/version of models to use
+ """
+ self.type = type
self.ModelClass = None
self.TrainerClass = None
self.model = None
@@ -29,20 +34,36 @@ class YOLO:
self.ckpt = None
def new(self, cfg: str):
+ """
+ Initializes a new model and infers the task type from the model definitions
+ Args:
+ cfg (str): model configuration file
+ """
cfg = check_yaml(cfg) # check YAML
with open(cfg, encoding='ascii', errors='ignore') as f:
cfg = yaml.safe_load(f) # model dict
self.ModelClass, self.TrainerClass, self.task = self._guess_model_trainer_and_task(cfg["head"][-1][-2])
self.model = self.ModelClass(cfg) # initialize
- def load(self, weights):
+ def load(self, weights: str):
+ """
+ Initializes a new model and infers the task type from the model head
+ Args:
+ weights (str): model checkpoint to be loaded
+ """
self.ckpt = torch.load(weights, map_location="cpu")
self.task = self.ckpt["train_args"]["task"]
_, trainer_class_literal = MODEL_MAP[self.task]
- self.TrainerClass = eval(trainer_class_literal.replace("VERSION", f"v{self.version}"))
+ self.TrainerClass = eval(trainer_class_literal.replace("TYPE", f"v{self.type}"))
self.model = attempt_load_weights(weights)
def reset(self):
+ """
+ Resets the model modules .
+ """
for m in self.model.modules():
if hasattr(m, 'reset_parameters'):
@@ -50,32 +71,46 @@ class YOLO:
p.requires_grad = True
def train(self, **kwargs):
- if 'data' not in kwargs:
- raise Exception("data is required to train")
+ """
+ Trains the model on given dataset.
+ Args:
+ **kwargs (Any): Any number of arguments representing the training configuration. List of all args can be found in 'config' section.
+ You can pass all arguments as a yaml file in `cfg`. Other args are ignored if `cfg` file is passed
+ """
if not self.model and not self.ckpt:
raise Exception("model not initialized. Use .new() or .load()")
- kwargs["task"] = self.task
- kwargs["mode"] = "train"
- self.trainer = self.TrainerClass(overrides=kwargs)
+ overrides = kwargs
+ if kwargs.get("cfg"):
+ LOGGER.info(f"cfg file passed. Overriding default params with {kwargs['cfg']}.")
+ overrides = yaml_load(check_yaml(kwargs["cfg"]))
+ overrides["task"] = self.task
+ overrides["mode"] = "train"
+ if not overrides.get("data"):
+ raise Exception("dataset not provided! Please check if you have defined `data` in you configs")
+ self.trainer = self.TrainerClass(overrides=overrides)
# load pre-trained weights if found, else use the loaded model
self.trainer.model = self.trainer.load_model(weights=self.ckpt) if self.ckpt else self.model
- def resume(self, task=None, model=None):
- if not task:
- raise Exception(
- "pass the task type and/or model(optional) from which you want to resume: `model.resume(task="
- ")`")
+ def resume(self, task, model=None):
+ """
+ Resume a training task.
+ Args:
+ task (str): The task type you want to resume. Automatically finds the last run to resume if `model` is not specified.
+ model (str): [Optional] The model checkpoint to resume from. If not found, the last run of the given task type is resumed.
+ """
if task.lower() not in MODEL_MAP:
raise Exception(f"unrecognised task - {task}. Supported tasks are {MODEL_MAP.keys()}")
_, trainer_class_literal = MODEL_MAP[task.lower()]
- self.TrainerClass = eval(trainer_class_literal.replace("VERSION", f"v{self.version}"))
+ self.TrainerClass = eval(trainer_class_literal.replace("TYPE", f"v{self.type}"))
self.trainer = self.TrainerClass(overrides={"task": task.lower(), "resume": model if model else True})
def _guess_model_trainer_and_task(self, head):
- # TODO: warn
task = None
if head.lower() in ["classify", "classifier", "cls", "fc"]:
task = "classify"
@@ -85,7 +120,7 @@ class YOLO:
task = "segment"
model_class, trainer_class = MODEL_MAP[task]
# warning: eval is unsafe. Use with caution
- trainer_class = eval(trainer_class.replace("VERSION", f"v{self.version}"))
+ trainer_class = eval(trainer_class.replace("TYPE", f"{self.type}"))
return model_class, trainer_class, task
diff --git a/ultralytics/yolo/engine/trainer.py b/ultralytics/yolo/engine/trainer.py
index 307b5d8..31de0e0 100644
--- a/ultralytics/yolo/engine/trainer.py
+++ b/ultralytics/yolo/engine/trainer.py
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ RANK = int(os.getenv('RANK', -1))
class BaseTrainer:
- def __init__(self, config=DEFAULT_CONFIG, overrides={}):
- self.args = get_config(config, overrides)
+ def __init__(self, cfg=DEFAULT_CONFIG, overrides={}):
+ self.args = get_config(cfg, overrides)
init_seeds(self.args.seed + 1 + RANK, deterministic=self.args.deterministic)