# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, GPL-3.0 license
import requests
from ultralytics.hub.auth import Auth
from ultralytics.hub.session import HUBTrainingSession
from ultralytics.hub.utils import PREFIX, split_key
from ultralytics.yolo.engine.model import YOLO
from ultralytics.yolo.utils import LOGGER, emojis
def start(key=''):
Start training models with Ultralytics HUB. Usage: from ultralytics.hub import start; start('API_KEY')
auth = Auth(key)
model_id = split_key(key)[1] if auth.get_state() else request_api_key(auth)
if not model_id:
raise ConnectionError(emojis('Connecting with global API key is not currently supported. ❌'))
session = HUBTrainingSession(model_id=model_id, auth=auth)
model = YOLO(model=session.model_file, session=session)
def request_api_key(auth, max_attempts=3):
Prompt the user to input their API key. Returns the model ID.
import getpass
for attempts in range(max_attempts):
LOGGER.info(f'{PREFIX}Login. Attempt {attempts + 1} of {max_attempts}')
input_key = getpass.getpass(
'Enter your Ultralytics API Key from https://hub.ultralytics.com/settings?tab=api+keys:\n')
auth.api_key, model_id = split_key(input_key)
if auth.authenticate():
LOGGER.info(f'{PREFIX}Authenticated ✅')
return model_id
LOGGER.warning(f'{PREFIX}Invalid API key ⚠️\n')
raise ConnectionError(emojis(f'{PREFIX}Failed to authenticate ❌'))
def reset_model(key=''):
# Reset a trained model to an untrained state
api_key, model_id = split_key(key)
r = requests.post('https://api.ultralytics.com/model-reset', json={'apiKey': api_key, 'modelId': model_id})
if r.status_code == 200:
LOGGER.info(f'{PREFIX}Model reset successfully')
LOGGER.warning(f'{PREFIX}Model reset failure {r.status_code} {r.reason}')
def export_fmts_hub():
# Returns a list of HUB-supported export formats
from ultralytics.yolo.engine.exporter import export_formats
return list(export_formats()['Argument'][1:]) + ['ultralytics_tflite', 'ultralytics_coreml']
def export_model(key='', format='torchscript'):
# Export a model to all formats
assert format in export_fmts_hub(), f"Unsupported export format '{format}', valid formats are {export_fmts_hub()}"
api_key, model_id = split_key(key)
r = requests.post('https://api.ultralytics.com/export',
'apiKey': api_key,
'modelId': model_id,
'format': format})
assert r.status_code == 200, f'{PREFIX}{format} export failure {r.status_code} {r.reason}'
LOGGER.info(f'{PREFIX}{format} export started ✅')
def get_export(key='', format='torchscript'):
# Get an exported model dictionary with download URL
assert format in export_fmts_hub, f"Unsupported export format '{format}', valid formats are {export_fmts_hub}"
api_key, model_id = split_key(key)
r = requests.post('https://api.ultralytics.com/get-export',
'apiKey': api_key,
'modelId': model_id,
'format': format})
assert r.status_code == 200, f'{PREFIX}{format} get_export failure {r.status_code} {r.reason}'
return r.json()
if __name__ == '__main__':