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# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, GPL-3.0 license
import contextlib
import os
import subprocess
import urllib
from itertools import repeat
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from pathlib import Path
from zipfile import ZipFile
import requests
import torch
from ultralytics.yolo.utils import LOGGER
def is_url(url, check=True):
# Check if string is URL and check if URL exists
url = str(url)
result = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
assert all([result.scheme, result.netloc]) # check if is url
return (urllib.request.urlopen(url).getcode() == 200) if check else True # check if exists online
except (AssertionError, urllib.request.HTTPError):
return False
def safe_download(url,
Function for downloading files from a URL, with options for retrying, unzipping, and deleting the downloaded file.
url: str: The URL of the file to be downloaded.
file: str, optional: The filename of the downloaded file.
If not provided, the file will be saved with the same name as the URL.
dir: str, optional: The directory to save the downloaded file.
If not provided, the file will be saved in the current working directory.
unzip: bool, optional: Whether to unzip the downloaded file. Default: True.
delete: bool, optional: Whether to delete the downloaded file after unzipping. Default: False.
curl: bool, optional: Whether to use curl command line tool for downloading. Default: False.
retry: int, optional: The number of times to retry the download in case of failure. Default: 3.
min_bytes: float, optional: The minimum number of bytes that the downloaded file should have, to be considered
a successful download. Default: 1E0.
progress: bool, optional: Whether to display a progress bar during the download. Default: True.
if '://' not in str(url) and Path(url).is_file(): # exists ('://' check required in Windows Python<3.10)
f = Path(url) # filename
else: # does not exist
assert dir or file, 'dir or file required for download'
f = dir / Path(url).name if dir else Path(file)'Downloading {url} to {f}...')
f.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # make directory if missing
for i in range(retry + 1):
if curl or i > 0: # curl download with retry, continue
s = 'sS' * (not progress) # silent
r = os.system(f'curl -# -{s}L "{url}" -o "{f}" --retry 9 -C -')
else: # torch download
r = torch.hub.download_url_to_file(url, f, progress=progress)
assert r in {0, None}
except Exception as e:
if i >= retry:
raise ConnectionError(f'❌ Download failure for {url}') from e
LOGGER.warning(f'⚠️ Download failure, retrying {i + 1}/{retry} {url}...')
if f.exists():
if f.stat().st_size > min_bytes:
break # success
f.unlink() # remove partial downloads
if unzip and f.exists() and f.suffix in {'.zip', '.tar', '.gz'}:'Unzipping {f}...')
if f.suffix == '.zip':
ZipFile(f).extractall(path=f.parent) # unzip
elif f.suffix == '.tar':
os.system(f'tar xf {f} --directory {f.parent}') # unzip
elif f.suffix == '.gz':
os.system(f'tar xfz {f} --directory {f.parent}') # unzip
if delete:
f.unlink() # remove zip
def attempt_download_asset(file, repo='ultralytics/assets', release='v0.0.0'):
# Attempt file download from GitHub release assets if not found locally. release = 'latest', 'v6.2', etc.
from ultralytics.yolo.utils import SETTINGS
def github_assets(repository, version='latest'):
# Return GitHub repo tag and assets (i.e. ['', '', ...])
# Return GitHub repo tag and assets (i.e. ['', '', ...])
if version != 'latest':
version = f'tags/{version}' # i.e. tags/v6.2
response = requests.get(f'{repository}/releases/{version}').json() # github api
return response['tag_name'], [x['name'] for x in response['assets']] # tag, assets
file = Path(str(file).strip().replace("'", ''))
if file.exists():
return str(file)
elif (SETTINGS['weights_dir'] / file).exists():
return str(SETTINGS['weights_dir'] / file)
# URL specified
name = Path(urllib.parse.unquote(str(file))).name # decode '%2F' to '/' etc.
if str(file).startswith(('http:/', 'https:/')): # download
url = str(file).replace(':/', '://') # Pathlib turns :// -> :/
file = name.split('?')[0] # parse authentication
if Path(file).is_file():'Found {url} locally at {file}') # file already exists
safe_download(url=url, file=file, min_bytes=1E5)
return file
# GitHub assets
assets = [f'yolov8{size}{suffix}.pt' for size in 'nsmlx' for suffix in ('', '6', '-cls', '-seg')] # default
tag, assets = github_assets(repo, release)
except Exception:
tag, assets = github_assets(repo) # latest release
except Exception:
tag = subprocess.check_output('git tag', shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode().split()[-1]
except Exception:
tag = release
file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # make parent dir (if required)
if name in assets:
safe_download(url=f'{repo}/releases/download/{tag}/{name}', file=file, min_bytes=1E5)
return str(file)
def download(url, dir=Path.cwd(), unzip=True, delete=False, curl=False, threads=1, retry=3):
# Multithreaded file download and unzip function, used in data.yaml for autodownload
dir = Path(dir)
dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # make directory
if threads > 1:
with ThreadPool(threads) as pool:
lambda x: safe_download(
url=x[0], dir=x[1], unzip=unzip, delete=delete, curl=curl, retry=retry, progress=threads <= 1),
zip(url, repeat(dir)))
for u in [url] if isinstance(url, (str, Path)) else url:
safe_download(url=u, dir=dir, unzip=unzip, delete=delete, curl=curl, retry=retry)