//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * \file mainwindow.cpp * \version v1.0 * \author Ing. Dominik Malcik */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include "projectwizard.h" #include "xmlparser.h" #include "layercomposer.h" #include "customgraphicsview.h" #include #include #include #include // CONSTS const QString MainWindow::APPL_NAME = QString("microAnalyzer ::"); // -------------------------------------------- /** * @brief = CONSTRUCTOR */ // -------------------------------------------- MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); // signals connect(cProject::Instance(), SIGNAL(imagesValueChanged()), this, SLOT(reloadImagesList())); connect(cProject::Instance(), SIGNAL(layersValueChanged()), this, SLOT(reloadLayersList())); imageView = new CustomGraphicsView(); imageView->setBackgroundRole(QPalette::Dark); imageView->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Ignored); setCentralWidget(imageView); connect(imageView, SIGNAL(colorPickerPosition(int, int)), this, SLOT(graphicsClicked(int, int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(colorPickerPosition(int, int)), this, SLOT(graphicsClicked(int, int))); histogramBtn = false; // init values initStageAndValues(); // limit cache QPixmapCache::setCacheLimit(4194304); // statusbar init statusBar()->showMessage("To activate function do Open project or Open image action."); // + tr("%1").arg(QPixmapCache::cacheLimit() } void MainWindow::initStageAndValues() { // disable functions that are available only after a project is loaded menuChangeAvailability(false); openedNewProjDialog = false; // setup of bitmap layers table bitmapLayersTBL = NULL; bitmapLayersTBL = new TableFormat(); ui->bitmapTableView->setModel(bitmapLayersTBL); ui->bitmapTableView->resizeRowsToContents(); // Adjust the row height. ui->bitmapTableView->resizeColumnsToContents(); // Adjust the column width. ui->bitmapTableView->setColumnWidth( 0, 20 ); ui->bitmapTableView->setColumnWidth( 1, 150 ); ui->bitmapTableView->setColumnWidth( 2, 20 ); // setup of vector layers table vectorLayersTBL = NULL; vectorLayersTBL = new TableFormat(); ui->vectorTableView->setModel(vectorLayersTBL); ui->vectorTableView->resizeRowsToContents(); // Adjust the row height. ui->vectorTableView->resizeColumnsToContents(); // Adjust the column width. ui->vectorTableView->setColumnWidth( 0, 20 ); ui->vectorTableView->setColumnWidth( 1, 150 ); ui->vectorTableView->setColumnWidth( 2, 20 ); // init the dial element lastDialValue = 0; onOpenNew_dialReset(); // colorpicker initial reset QImage tmpImg(1,1, QImage::Format_ARGB32); actualizeGraphicsView(&tmpImg); ui->frame->setStyleSheet("QFrame {border: 1px solid #828790;}"); actualColor = qRgb(255,255,255); actualizeFrameColor(); imageView->resetMatrix(); // channel correction sliders ui->rLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color: red; color: white;}"); ui->gLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color: green; color: white;}"); ui->bLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color: blue; color: white;}"); // colour analysis button for (int i = 0; i < ui->menuTools->actions().count(); i++) { if (ui->menuTools->actions().at(i)->isCheckable()) { ui->menuTools->actions().at(i)->setChecked(false); } } resetSlidersValues(); } void MainWindow::resetSlidersValues() { ui->rSlider->setValue(DEF_SLIDER_VALUE); ui->gSlider->setValue(DEF_SLIDER_VALUE); ui->bSlider->setValue(DEF_SLIDER_VALUE); } void MainWindow::closeThisProject() { // project init cProject::Instance()->valueInit(); initStageAndValues(); } bool MainWindow::importImage(QString &imageFileName, bool addToVector) { if (imageFileName.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { if (addToVector) { // add an image to project cProject::Instance()->addToImages(imageFileName); cProject::Instance()->setFileImported(true); } QImage image(imageFileName); if (image.isNull()) { return false; } actualizeGraphicsView(&image); // align an image to center after import imageResizer(0.99999999999999); imageView->resetMatrix(); onOpenNew_dialReset(); // allow functions from menu menuChangeAvailability(true); return true; } } void MainWindow::menuChangeAvailability(bool setting, bool sliders) { ui->imageDial->setEnabled(setting); ui->rSlider->setEnabled(sliders); ui->gSlider->setEnabled(sliders); ui->bSlider->setEnabled(sliders); ui->bitmapTableView->setEnabled(!sliders); ui->vectorTableView->setEnabled(!sliders); } // -------------------------------------------- /** * @brief = DESTRUKTOR */ // -------------------------------------------- MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } // -------------------------------------------- /** * @brief = TLACITKO EXIT */ // -------------------------------------------- void MainWindow::on_actionExit_triggered() { close(); } bool MainWindow::saveAskDialog() { return true; } // -------------------------------------------- /** * */ // -------------------------------------------- void MainWindow::on_actionHelp_triggered() { QMessageBox::about(this, APPL_NAME + tr(" HELP"), tr("

Under construction.

")); } // -------------------------------------------- /** * */ // -------------------------------------------- void MainWindow::on_actionAbout_microAnalyzer_triggered() { QMessageBox::about(this, APPL_NAME + tr(" About"), QString::fromLocal8Bit("



" "

Author: Ing. Dominik MalciĀ­k

" "

E-mail: imalcik@fit.vutbr.cz

" "

Year: 2014-2016


")); } // -------------------------------------------- /** * */ // -------------------------------------------- void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_Image_triggered() { QString imageFileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Image"), QDir::currentPath(), "*.bmp *.png *.tif *.jpg *.jpeg"); if (importImage(imageFileName, true)) { statusBar()->showMessage("Image loaded."); menuChangeAvailability(true); } else { QMessageBox::critical(this, APPL_NAME + tr(" ERROR"), tr("Error: The image %1 could not be loaded.").arg(imageFileName)); } } void MainWindow::onOpenNew_dialReset() { ui->imageDial->setValue(0); } // -------------------------------------------- /** * */ // -------------------------------------------- void MainWindow::on_actionZoom_in_25_triggered() { imageResizer (1.2); } // -------------------------------------------- /** * */ // -------------------------------------------- void MainWindow::on_actionZoom_out_25_triggered() { imageResizer (0.8); } // -------------------------------------------- /** * */ // -------------------------------------------- void MainWindow::imageResizer(double resizeCoeff) { imageView->scale(resizeCoeff, resizeCoeff); QString statusMessage = " OUT -" + tr("%1").arg((1.0 - resizeCoeff) * 100) + " %"; if (resizeCoeff > 1.0) { statusMessage = " IN +" + tr("%1").arg((resizeCoeff - 1.0) * 100) + " %"; } statusBar()->showMessage("Zoom" + statusMessage); } // -------------------------------------------- /** * */ // -------------------------------------------- void MainWindow::on_actionFit_in_Window_triggered() { imageView->fitInView(imageView->scene()->sceneRect(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); statusBar()->showMessage("Fit in window"); } // -------------------------------------------- /** * */ // -------------------------------------------- void MainWindow::on_actionOriginal_Size_triggered() { imageView->resetMatrix(); statusBar()->showMessage("Original size."); } // -------------------------------------------- /** * @brief = ZMENA VELIKOSTI OBRAZKU NA ZAKLADE POHYBU DIALU */ // -------------------------------------------- void MainWindow::on_imageDial_actionTriggered(int action) { double newRatio = 1.0; int dialValue = ui->imageDial->value(); int difference = lastDialValue - dialValue; lastDialValue = dialValue; newRatio += ((double)(difference * (-1.0)) / 10000.0); if (newRatio <= 1.1 && newRatio >= 0.9) { imageResizer (newRatio); } } void MainWindow::invertOpenedDialog_slot() { openedNewProjDialog = !openedNewProjDialog; this->setEnabled(true); } void MainWindow::on_actionNew_Project_triggered() { ProjectWizard * pw = new ProjectWizard; if (!openedNewProjDialog) { openedNewProjDialog = true; Qt::WindowFlags flags = pw->windowFlags(); pw->setWindowFlags(flags | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); pw->show(); this->setEnabled(false); connect(pw, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(openProject_slot())); connect(pw, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(invertOpenedDialog_slot())); } } /* * SLOT after accepting of the wizard */ void MainWindow::openProject_slot() { invertOpenedDialog_slot(); menuChangeAvailability(true); openProject(cProject::Instance()->getProjectRootDir() + "/" + cProject::Instance()->getProjectFileName()); } void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_Project_triggered() { QString projectFileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open microAnalyzer Project"), QDir::currentPath(), "*.mapro"); if (!projectFileName.isEmpty()) { openProject(projectFileName); } } void MainWindow::openProject(QString projectFileName) { // if a project file was chosen if (!projectFileName.isEmpty()) { // close currently opened project closeThisProject(); QFile projFile(projectFileName); // set root directory of the project QFileInfo fi(projFile); cProject::Instance()->setProjectRootDir(fi.path()); // open file for reading if(!projFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QMessageBox::critical(0, APPL_NAME + " ERROR", projFile.errorString()); } else { XMLparser * xml = new XMLparser; if (!xml->read(&projFile)) { QMessageBox::critical(0, APPL_NAME + " ERROR", "Project could not be loaded!"); statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Error within project loading! Try again, please."), 3000); } else { // import bitmap layers if (cProject::Instance()->getFileImported()) { for (uint i = 0; i < cProject::Instance()->getImages().size(); i++) { QString imageFileNameToOpen = cProject::Instance()->getProjectRootDir() + "/" + cProject::Instance()->getImagesDir() + "/" + cProject::Instance()->getImages()[i]; importImage(imageFileNameToOpen, false); } } menuChangeAvailability(true); setWindowTitle(APPL_NAME + " project - " + projectFileName); statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Project loaded ...")); } projFile.close(); } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void MainWindow::on_actionSave_Project_triggered() { bool removeSubDirs = false; saveProjectToDest(cProject::Instance()->getProjectRootDir() + "/" + cProject::Instance()->getProjectFileName(), removeSubDirs); } void MainWindow::on_actionSave_Project_As_triggered() { QString saveFileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Save file", "", "*" + Project::PROJ_FILE_EXT); if (!saveFileName.isEmpty()) { bool removeSubDirs = true; saveProjectToDest(saveFileName, removeSubDirs); } } void MainWindow::saveProjectToDest(QString projectFileName_withPath, bool removeSubDirs) { QFile projFile(projectFileName_withPath); QFileInfo fi(projFile); cProject::Instance()->prepareProject(fi.path(), fi.baseName(), fi.fileName(), cProject::Instance()->getFileImported(), cProject::Instance()->getImages(), cProject::Instance()->getLayers()); // attempt to save + appropriate reaction if (!cProject::Instance()->saveToFile(removeSubDirs)) { QMessageBox::critical(0, APPL_NAME + " ERROR", "Project could not be saved!"); statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Error within project saving! Try again, please."), 3000); } else { statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Project saved to ") + projectFileName_withPath); setWindowTitle(APPL_NAME + " project - " + projectFileName_withPath); } } void MainWindow::reloadImagesList() { // show updated list/table of images TableFormat * thisTable = reloadTableList(TABLE_BITMAPS); bitmapLayersTBL = thisTable; ui->bitmapTableView->setModel(thisTable); ui->bitmapTableView->setStyleSheet("QTableView {selection-background-color: #D10000; selection-color: #FFFFFF;}"); } void MainWindow::reloadLayersList() { // show updated list/table of images TableFormat * thisTable = reloadTableList(TABLE_LAYERS); vectorLayersTBL = thisTable; ui->vectorTableView->setModel(thisTable); ui->vectorTableView->setStyleSheet("QTableView {selection-background-color: #2D60ED; selection-color: #FFFFFF;}"); } TableFormat * MainWindow::reloadTableList(int tableSpec) { QString name = ""; QString opacity = "100"; TableFormat * table = new TableFormat; unsigned int size = 0; if (tableSpec == TABLE_LAYERS) { size = cProject::Instance()->getLayers().size(); } else { size = cProject::Instance()->getImages().size(); } for (int i = (size - 1); i >= 0; i--) { if (tableSpec == TABLE_LAYERS) { name = cProject::Instance()->getSelectedLayer(i); } else { name = cProject::Instance()->getSelectedImage(i); } // insert row table->insertRows(0, 1, QModelIndex()); // insert information to the row QModelIndex index = table->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()); table->setData(index, QVariant(Qt::Checked), Qt::CheckStateRole); index = table->index(0, 1, QModelIndex()); table->setData(index, name, Qt::EditRole); index = table->index(0, 2, QModelIndex()); table->setData(index, opacity, Qt::EditRole); } return table; } void MainWindow::on_bitmapTableView_activated(QModelIndex index) { std::vector selectedIndexes = getImportedIndexes(); if (selectedIndexes.size() > 0) { QString imageName = cProject::Instance()->getProjectRootDir() + "/" + cProject::Instance()->getImagesDir() + "/"; // !!!!! MAGIC 0 > we are allowing only one layer !! imageName += cProject::Instance()->getSelectedImage (selectedIndexes[0]); // load image QImage image(imageName); actualizeGraphicsView(&image); } } std::vector MainWindow::getImportedIndexes () { QModelIndexList indexes = ui->bitmapTableView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(1); return getSelectedIndexes(indexes); } std::vector MainWindow::getAnalysingIndexes () { QModelIndexList indexes = ui->vectorTableView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(1); return getSelectedIndexes(indexes); } std::vector MainWindow::getSelectedIndexes (QModelIndexList indexes) { std::vector selectedIndexes; for (int i = 0; i < indexes.count(); ++i) { QModelIndex index = indexes.at(i); selectedIndexes.push_back(index.row()); } return selectedIndexes; } void MainWindow::on_actionClose_Project_Image_triggered() { switch( QMessageBox::question( this, APPL_NAME + tr(" Close project?"), tr("Do you really want to close this project?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel ) ) { case QMessageBox::Yes: { closeThisProject(); break; } case QMessageBox::Cancel: { } default: { break; } } } void MainWindow::on_actionAnalyze_edges_triggered() { if (cProject::Instance()->getImages().size() > 0) { std::vector selectedIdx = getImportedIndexes(); if (!(selectedIdx.size() > 0)) { QMessageBox::information(this, APPL_NAME + " No bitmap layer selected.", tr("Please select a BACKGROUND layer in the left tools panel." " Click on the demanded layer and try again.")); } else { QString fileName = cProject::Instance()->getImages()[ selectedIdx[0] ]; QString test = cProject::Instance()->getProjectRootDir() + "/" + cProject::Instance()->getImagesDir() + "/" + fileName; QImage imgToAnalyze( test ); if (imgToAnalyze.isNull()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, APPL_NAME + " ERROR", "Bad file name or out of memory limit - shrink the image resolution please!\n\n" + test); } else { // ram limit !!! if ( (imgToAnalyze.width() / 1000) * (imgToAnalyze.height() / 1000) <= 75) { OpenCVprocessor * openCVproc = new OpenCVprocessor(); int resultDialog = getIntDialog(); bool edgeSearch = true; if (resultDialog >= 0) { QImage result = openCVproc->processThreshold_Edges(&imgToAnalyze, edgeSearch, resultDialog); // ---------------- SAVE int number = cProject::Instance()->layersCount(); QString dstDir = cProject::Instance()->getProjectRootDir() + "/" + cProject::Instance()->getLayersDir() + "/"; QString ext = ".png"; QString addition = "_E"; QString destFileName = saveAnalysingImageToDir(fileName, dstDir, ext, addition, number); result.save(dstDir + destFileName, "PNG"); cProject::Instance()->addToLayers(destFileName); // autoSave on_actionSave_Project_triggered(); // ---------------- // SAVE // show saved image actualizeGraphicsView(&result); statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Edges found ...")); } } else { QMessageBox::critical(this, APPL_NAME + " TOO BIG IMAGE", "The selected image is too big, please shrink resolution. Max. total amount of pixels is 75 mil (for example 10000 x 7500)."); } } } } } void MainWindow::on_actionHough_triggered() { makeCvFunction(2, -1); } void MainWindow::on_actionThreshold_triggered() { int resultDialog = getIntDialog(); if (resultDialog >= 0) { makeCvFunction(1, resultDialog); } } void MainWindow::makeCvFunction(int number, int param = 0) { std::vector selectedIdx = getImportedIndexes(); QString fileName = cProject::Instance()->getImages()[selectedIdx[0]]; QImage imgToAnalyze(cProject::Instance()->getProjectRootDir() + "/" + cProject::Instance()->getImagesDir() + "/" + fileName); OpenCVprocessor * openCVproc = new OpenCVprocessor(); QImage result; QString suffix = ""; switch(number) { case 0: { break; } case 1: { statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Threshold found ...")); bool edgeSearch = false; result = openCVproc->processThreshold_Edges(&imgToAnalyze, edgeSearch, param); suffix = "TH"; break; } case 2: { statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Hough proceded ...")); bool edgeSearch = true; result = openCVproc->processThreshold_Edges(&imgToAnalyze, edgeSearch, param); suffix = "H"; break; } default: { break; } } QFileInfo fi(fileName); QString newPngFile = fi.baseName() + suffix + ".png"; result.save(cProject::Instance()->getProjectRootDir() + "/" + cProject::Instance()->getImagesDir() + "/" + newPngFile, "PNG"); cProject::Instance()->addToImages(newPngFile); actualizeGraphicsView(&result); // autoSave on_actionSave_Project_triggered(); } int MainWindow::getIntDialog() { bool ok; int i = QInputDialog::getInt(this, tr("QInputDialog::getInteger()"), tr("Threshold value"), 100, 0, 255, 1, &ok); if (ok) { return i; } return -1; } void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { if (!openedNewProjDialog && saveAskDialog()) { // close window event->accept(); } else { // push cancel - does not close the window event->ignore(); } } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_2_clicked() { LayerComposer * composer = new LayerComposer(); importedIndexes = getImportedIndexes(); analysingIndexes = getAnalysingIndexes(); if (importedIndexes.size() > 0 && analysingIndexes.size() > 0) { // merging of selected layers QString bgRootDir = cProject::Instance()->getProjectRootDir() + "/" + cProject::Instance()->getImagesDir() + "/"; QString overlayRootDir = cProject::Instance()->getProjectRootDir() + "/" + cProject::Instance()->getLayersDir() + "/"; QImage result = composer->composeLayers(cProject::Instance()->getImages(), cProject::Instance()->getLayers(), importedIndexes, analysingIndexes, bgRootDir, overlayRootDir); actualizeGraphicsView(&result); statusBar()->showMessage("Layers merged ..."); } else { statusBar()->showMessage("Layers NOT merged, select layers to merge first, please."); } } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked() { LayerComposer * composer = new LayerComposer(); analysingIndexes = getAnalysingIndexes(); if (analysingIndexes.size() > 0) { std::vector bgVector; bgVector.push_back(analysingIndexes[0]); // !!!!!!! 0 v indexu std::vector analysingVector; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < analysingIndexes.size(); i++) { analysingVector.push_back(analysingIndexes[i]); } // merging of selected layers QString bgRootDir = cProject::Instance()->getProjectRootDir() + "/" + cProject::Instance()->getLayersDir() + "/"; QString overlayRootDir = bgRootDir; QImage result = composer->composeLayers(cProject::Instance()->getLayers(), cProject::Instance()->getLayers(), bgVector, analysingVector, bgRootDir, overlayRootDir); actualizeGraphicsView(&result); statusBar()->showMessage("Layers merged ..."); } else { statusBar()->showMessage("Layers NOT merged, select layers to merge first, please."); } } void MainWindow::on_actionAnalyze_Colors_triggered() { bool setting = ui->imageDial->isEnabled(); bool sliders = !(ui->rSlider->isEnabled()); menuChangeAvailability(setting, sliders); if (sliders) { makeColorAnalyzeStep(); } else { QString bgImageFileName = cProject::Instance()->getSelectedImage(importedIndexes[0]); // !!!!!! 0 switch( QMessageBox::question( this, APPL_NAME + tr(" Save this layer?"), tr("

Would you like to save this layer?

Choose Yes to proceed, No to abort.

"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes ) ) { case QMessageBox::Yes: { // ---------------- SAVE int number = cProject::Instance()->layersCount(); QString dstDir = cProject::Instance()->getProjectRootDir() + "/" + cProject::Instance()->getLayersDir() + "/"; QString ext = ".png"; QString addition = "_C"; QString destFileName = saveAnalysingImageToDir(bgImageFileName, dstDir, ext, addition, number); visibleImage.save(dstDir + destFileName, "PNG"); cProject::Instance()->addToLayers(destFileName); // autoSave on_actionSave_Project_triggered(); // ---------------- // SAVE statusBar()->showMessage("Layer SAVED ..."); break; } case QMessageBox::No: { } default: { QString srcDir = cProject::Instance()->getProjectRootDir() + "/" + cProject::Instance()->getImagesDir() + "/"; QImage image(srcDir + bgImageFileName); if (!(image.isNull())) { actualizeGraphicsView(&image); } statusBar()->showMessage("Layer saving aborted ..."); } } } resetSlidersValues(); } void MainWindow::on_rSlider_valueChanged(int value) { if (ui->rSlider->isEnabled()) { makeColorAnalyzeStep(); } } void MainWindow::on_gSlider_valueChanged(int value) { if (ui->gSlider->isEnabled()) { makeColorAnalyzeStep(); } } void MainWindow::on_bSlider_valueChanged(int value) { if (ui->bSlider->isEnabled()) { makeColorAnalyzeStep(); } } void MainWindow::makeColorAnalyzeStep () { importedIndexes = getImportedIndexes(); if (importedIndexes.size() > 0) { QString bgRootDir = cProject::Instance()->getProjectRootDir() + "/" + cProject::Instance()->getImagesDir() + "/"; QString bgImageFileName = cProject::Instance()->getSelectedImage(importedIndexes[0]); // !!!!!! 0 QRgb maskColor = actualColor; LayerComposer * composer = new LayerComposer(); visibleImage = composer->maskSelectedLayer(bgImageFileName, bgRootDir, maskColor, ui->rSlider->value(), ui->gSlider->value(), ui->bSlider->value()); actualizeGraphicsView(&visibleImage); statusBar()->showMessage("Layer processed ..."); } } void MainWindow::graphicsClicked(int xPos, int yPos) { if (!(ui->rSlider->isEnabled())) { // find coordinates of the cursor position QPointF point = imageView->mapToScene(xPos, yPos); actualColor = visibleImage.pixel(point.x(), point.y()); actualizeFrameColor(); } } void MainWindow::actualizeFrameColor() { QPalette palette = ui->frame->palette(); palette.setColor( backgroundRole(), actualColor); ui->frame->setPalette(palette); ui->frame->setAutoFillBackground(true); } void MainWindow::actualizeGraphicsView(QImage * toShow) { QPixmapCache::clear(); QPixmap pm = QPixmap::fromImage(*toShow); QPixmapCache::insert("loadedImage", pm); // show result visibleImage = *toShow; QGraphicsScene * thisScene = new QGraphicsScene; thisScene->addPixmap(pm); if (histogramBtn) { // DOES NOT WORK YET } imageView->setScene(thisScene); } QString MainWindow::saveAnalysingImageToDir(QString origFN, QString dstDir, QString ext, QString addition, int number) { QFileInfo fi(origFN); QString newExt = ext; QString newPngFile = fi.baseName() + addition; QString numStr = QString::number(number); while (1) { QFile destFile(dstDir + newPngFile + numStr + newExt); if (!destFile.exists()) { newPngFile = newPngFile + numStr + newExt; break; } else { number++; } numStr = QString::number(number); } return newPngFile; } bool MainWindow::deleteDialog(QString layerType) { switch( QMessageBox::question( this, APPL_NAME + tr(" Delete selected layers?"), tr("

Do you really want to permanently remove selected ") + layerType + tr(" layers.

"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No ) ) { case QMessageBox::Yes: { return true; } case QMessageBox::No: { } default: { return false; } } } // delete analysing void MainWindow::on_pushButton_3_clicked() { QString layerType = "ANALYSING"; if (deleteDialog(layerType)) { analysingIndexes = getAnalysingIndexes(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < analysingIndexes.size(); i++) { cProject::Instance()->deleteAnalysing(analysingIndexes[i]); } } cProject::Instance()->emitDeleteAnalysings(); // autoSave on_actionSave_Project_triggered(); } // delete imported void MainWindow::on_pushButton_4_clicked() { QString layerType = "BACKGROUND"; if (deleteDialog(layerType)) { importedIndexes = getImportedIndexes(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < importedIndexes.size(); i++) { cProject::Instance()->deleteImported(importedIndexes[i]); } } cProject::Instance()->emitDeleteImported(); // autoSave on_actionSave_Project_triggered(); } void MainWindow::on_actionHistogram_triggered() { histogramBtn = !histogramBtn; }