For opening a video, go to the main menu: File -> Open video and find its path. You can use a shortcut Ctrl+O.
For saving an output video, go to the main menu: File -> Save output video file. The output video contains all tracked objects. However, it is not possible to change these objects later. For saving a video, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+U. If you want to save a project for later editing, use: Save project.
Projects created by Video Anonymizer can be loaded in the main menu: File -> Load project. Projects can be loaded in formats JSON and XML. For opening a project, shortcut Ctrl+L can be used. If you want to open a new video, use: Open video.
If you want to edit a project later, you can save it in JSON or XML. Such a project is later loaded with all its objects and settings. For saving a project, go to the main menu: File -> Save project or use a shortcut Ctrl+S. However, saved projects are not media files. If you want to create an output video file, use: Save video.
For playing or pausing a video, go to the main menu: Player -> Play / Pause. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+P or a button Play (Pause) from the video player controls located beneath the video frame. If you want to stop a video (go to its first frame), use: Stop video.
For stopping a video, go to the main menu: Player -> Stop. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+Z or a button Stop located in the video player controls beneath the video frame. If you want to pause a video, use: Play / Pause.
A video can be moved forward and back by one frame.
For stepping forward, go to the main menu: Player -> Step forward. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+Right or a button ">" located in the video player controls beneath the video frame.
For stepping back, go to the main menu: Player -> Step back. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+Left or a button "<" located in the video player controls beneath the video frame.
For increasing the playback speed, go to the main menu: Player -> Speed -> Play faster. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+Up or a button "+", located next to the current playback speed.
For decreasing the playback speed, go to the main menu: Player -> Speed -> Play slower. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+Down or a button "-", located next to the current playback speed.
For restoring the original video speed, go to the main menu: Player -> Speed -> Original speed.
To track a new object go to the main menu: Object -> Track object. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+Alt+A or a button Track object, located in the video player controls beneath the video frame. You are asked to enter the object's name and to select the object's initial position. When selecting the initial position, you can use the video player to find the desired frame. Select an area of the object to be tracked by Object selection.
Select an area by pressing a mouse button in a video frame at a position where the object begins, move the cursor to the end of the object and release the button. If you want to change the selection, select a new area the same way as the first selection. This way the new area replaces the previous one.
To rename the object selected in the section "Edit object" go to the main menu: Object -> Change name. You can rename the object also in the section Edit object at the General tab by clicking on a button Change name. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+Alt+N.
To delete the object selected in the section "Edit object" go to the main menu: Object -> Remove. You can delete the object also in the section Edit object at the General tab by clicking on a button Remove. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+Alt+R.
An appearance of the object selected in the section "Edit object" can be changed at the Appearance tab.
For defocusing (anonymizing) a tracked object, check the option Defocus. If you want to fill the object with a color or draw a border around the object, check the option Color.
Defocusing can be adjusted by changing the Defocus size. It defines the size of squares used for defocusing. The lower the value is, the less visible (more defocused) the object is.
The item Shape defines the drawn shape of a tracked object. This option works only when filling the object with a color or drawing a border (not for defocusing).
When the option Fill is checked in the item Draw, the tracked object is filled with a color selected in Color. Beside predefined colors, you can Select a custom color.
When the option Border is checked in the item Draw, a border is drawn around the tracked object. The thickness of the border is set in Border thickness and the color is selected in Border color. Beside predefined colors, you can Select a custom color.
For selecting a custom color (when selecting a color for a border or for filling an object), click on the first item in the list of colors with the text + Add new.
The tab Key points in the section Edit object contains points (frames) with trajectory changes defined by a user. There are three kinds of points: Beginning, End and Trajectory change. Click on a point to change it or to see a frame where it is defined. "Trajectory change" can be deleted this way.
To change the trajectory of the object selected in the section "Edit object" go to the main menu: Object -> Trajectory -> Change trajectory. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T or a button Add trajectory change, located in the section Edit object at the Key points tab. Selecting a new position for an object is the same as adding a new object: Object selection.
To change the initial position of the tracked object selected in the section "Edit object" go to the main menu: Object -> Trajectory -> Change beginning. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+Alt+B or an option Change position at the item Beginning at the Key points tab in the section Edit object. Selecting a new initial position for an object is the same as adding a new object: Object selection.
To set (change) the end of tracking for the tracked object selected in the section "Edit object" go to the main menu: Object -> Trajectory -> Set end of tracking. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+Alt+E or an option Change last frame of tracking (or Change last frame of tracking) at the item End at the Key points tab in the section Edit object. Find the frame by the video player controls and confirm it.
To set tracking till the end of the video for the tracked object selected in the section "Edit object" go to the main menu: Object -> Trajectory -> Set tracking till the end of the video. Alternatively, you can use an option Set tracking till the end at the item End at the Key points tab in the section Edit object
Trajectory is computed automatically when needed. This means when a frame should be displayed, the trajectory is computed only up to the point so as the position of a tracked object is known at the frame. If you want to compute all the trajectory for a tracked object, use: Compute trajectory.
For displaying the trajectory of an object selected in the section "Edit object", go to the Trajectory tab in the section Edit object. "x" and "y" are coordinates of the object for a particular frame. "w" represents its width and "h" represents its height. To show a particular frame click on an item.
For computing all the trajectory of an object selected in the section "Edit object" go to: Object -> Trajectory -> Compute trajectory. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+Alt+O or a button Compute trajectory, located in the section Edit object at the Trajectory tab. This way all the object's trajectory is computed and Partial trajectory computing will not be used for the object. That makes a video playback faster and a complete list of an object's positions (trajectory) is available at the Trajectory tab.
To display the original video next to the altered video (video with tracked objects) go to the main menu: Settings -> Show original video. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+Shift+H.
For displaying time values instead of frame numbers, go to the main menu: Settings -> Show time values. This option changes displayed values in all the application. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+Shift+T.
For displaying frame numbers instead of their time values, go to the main menu: Settings -> Show frame numbers. This option changes displayed values in all the application. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N.
Application language can be changed in the main menu: Language / Jazyk. Language change will take effect after restarting the application.