# Original source: https://gist.github.com/xesscorp/8a2ed1b8923f04ae6366 # Edit by Jarek Paral # # KiCad outputs Gerber files with extensions that aren't recognized by the most commonly used # PCB manufacturers. This Python script renames the files to what want manufactory Gatema for # (company in Czech Republic which produce PCB - http://www.gatema.cz) Pool servis - prototype PCB # (http://pcb.gatema.cz/kriteria-dat-pro-pool-servis/). # Just execute this script in your KiCad project directory and the Gerber files will be renamed. # import glob import os # Make a list of .gbr and .drl files in the current directory. gerbers = glob.glob('*.gbr') gerbers.extend(glob.glob('*.gbo')) gerbers.extend(glob.glob('*.gbs')) gerbers.extend(glob.glob('*.gbl')) gerbers.extend(glob.glob('*.gtl')) gerbers.extend(glob.glob('*.gts')) gerbers.extend(glob.glob('*.gto')) gerbers.extend(glob.glob('*.gm1')) gerbers.extend(glob.glob('*.drl')) # File renaming rules. gerber_types = [ {'from': '-B_Silkscreen.gbo', 'to': '-B_Silkscreen.gbo.plb'}, {'from': '-B_Mask.gbs', 'to': '-B_Mask.gbs.smb'}, {'from': '-B_Cu.gbl', 'to': '-B_Cu.gbl.bot'}, {'from': '-Inner1.Cu.gbr', 'to': '.in2'}, {'from': '-Inner2.Cu.gbr', 'to': '.in3'}, {'from': '-F_Cu.gtl', 'to': '-F_Cu.gtl.top'}, {'from': '-F_Mask.gts', 'to': '-F_Mask.gts.smt'}, {'from': '-F_Silkscreen.gto', 'to': '-F_Silkscreen.gto.plt'}, {'from': '-Edge_Cuts.gm1', 'to': '-Edge_Cuts.gko.dim'}, {'from': '-NPTH.drl', 'to': '-NPTH.drl.mil'}, {'from': '-PTH.drl', 'to': '-PTH.drl.pth'}, ] if len(gerbers) == 0: print "No files found with this extensions: " for type in gerber_types: print "\t" + type['from'] + "" print "\nEND of script." else: print "Load files:" for g in gerbers: print g print "\n", print "Start renaming:" # Rename files depending upon their names. for g in gerbers: for t in gerber_types: if g.endswith(t['from']): # Strip the 'from' string from the old name and append the 'to' string to make the new name. new_g = g[:-len(t['from'])] + t['to'] # Remove any existing file having the new name. print "\t" + g + " -> " + new_g try: os.remove(new_g) except: # An exception occurred because the file we tried to remove probably didn't exist. pass # Rename the old file with the new name. os.rename(g, new_g) break raw_input('Press Enter to exit.')